AAPT.org - American Association of Physics Teachers


AAPT's mission is to enhance the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching.

When the organization was established in 1930, our goal was clear: "ensuring the dissemination of the knowledge of physics, particularly by way of teaching." Now in our ninth decade, we remain committed to that core value, but with a new emphasis and meaning provided by our current mission statement.

Our vision is to be the leader in physics education. We are committed to providing the most current resources and up-to-date research needed to enhance a physics educator's professional development. The results are not only a deeper appreciation of the teaching profession, but most importantly, more enthusiastic involvement from their students.

The Association has identified four critical issues that will guide our future activities:

  1. Increase AAPT's outreach to and impact on physics teachers
  2. Increase the diversity and numbers of physics teachers and students
  3. Improve the pedagogical skills and physics knowledge of teachers at all levels
  4. Increase our understanding of physics learning and of ways to improve teaching effectiveness

The twenty-first century will provide the greatest opportunities and challenges for us as we take an active role in shaping the future. Our success will depend on the commitment, dedication, and continued input of our members and the physics education community. Join us in this journey to enhance the quality and effectiveness of physics education at all levels.

Constitution and By-Laws

Directory of Members, Officers, and Staff