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Indoor air pollution & smoke hoods
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Indoor air pollution kills as many as two million people each year, and a large part of that is smoke from cooking fires. Getting rid of the smoke can improve health and the quality of life for millions of people worldwide. Sam Shiroff at Bosch Siemens and Dr. Liz Bates at Practical Action present their work on the Healthy Hoods project.
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Tweet roundup

Solved:Unused medical equipment, info drought on farms and development agencies' payroll problems (a computer is coming for your job):This is our tweet roundup. Read more...

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Research brief: The Internet and other ICTs as tools for sustainable development

An independent analysis of Practical Action, Kopernick, Appropedia and E4C. Read more...

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Sustainable decentralized water treatment
Chemical contamination of drinking water sources is a growing worldwide problem. Our field and laboratory studies demonstrate that locally produced biochar adsorbents derived from surplus biomass are effective for adsorbing prevalent chemical water contaminants such as herbicides, pharmaceuticals & industrial wastes.
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Target 3000

How much CO2 would be eliminated if every concrete supply chain in the world delivered a minimum of 3000psi concrete? When poor concrete practices produce weak structures they crumble and must be replaced. Rework requires more CO2 producing effort and materials. Since concrete is the second most consumed product on the planet, we should focus on only making it once.

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Micro Floating Turbine

The rivers in mountainous to hilly terrain has very good velocity at surface ranging about 1.5 to 3 m/s which if could be extracted in a section of a river using a series of micro floating turbine could generate enough amount of energy for a rural community. If these turbines can be made floating and by using few locally used material and easily operable can change the life of millions of peoples living in rural areas. The river routed road can be lighten with this power production also.

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