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Invention and Impact: Building Excellence in Undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education


The Invention and Impact proceeding highlights recent innovations in undergraduate STEM education for the diverse student population. It contains information on learning environments, course content, curricula, and educational practices that improve learning and achievement of all undergraduate students. The four overarching themes of the proceeding are:

  • Invention -- development and integration of innovative modules, courses, curricula, technology, and instructional methods;
  • Adaptation -- adaptability of classroom, department, or institutional strategies that build on exemplary materials, tools, or practices developed by others;
  • Assessment -- development, testing, and dissemination of assessment practices, materials, tools, and measures to guide efforts that improve effectiveness of courses, curricula, and programs of study; and
  • Impact -- examination of the influence of innovative pedagogy and practice on undergraduate STEM education for diverse learners
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CCLI Order Information
The current price for the Invention and Impact publication is $19.95 plus $3.00 for shipping and handling. We have only a few printed copies remaining.

However, if you are a CCLI meeting participant and have completed the CCLI survey you are entitled to a free complimentary copy which you should be receiving in the mail shortly. All meeting non-participants are requested to please make all checks payable to the "American Association for the Advancement of Science", and mail payment and requests to the following address:

Cee Cee Fenwick


1200 New York Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20005

Or call Education & Human Resources at AAAS, at 202-326-6670.



Assessment and Education Research

Successful Pedagogies

Innovative Laboratory Design

Visualization in Science Education

Web-Enabled Learning Environments

The Power of Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary Courses and Curricula

Creative Approaches to Faculty Development

Preparing Undergraduates for Research and the Workforce

Appendix: The Conference



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