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Democracy and Science: An Enduring Lineage
[PHOTOGRAPH] Francesca Grifo
In the annual Barnard Environmental Lecture at AAAS, Francesa Grifo explored how the scientific values of free-thinking and transparency also lie at the heart of U.S. democracy.

Defective Protein Linked to Male Infertility
[PHOTOGRAPH] Sperm from human donors that posses only the mutated DEFB126 gene have a significantly reduced quantity of negatively charged sugars (green fluorescence) on their surface. Sperm that lack DEFB126, or the negatively charges sugars associated with the DEFB126 protein, have difficulty swimming though mucosal fluids of the female reproductive system. [Image created by Theodore L. Tollner, 2011; © Science/AAAS]
Researchers have pinpointed a genetic mutation that may help explain why some men are less fertile than normal, a new study in the journal Science Translational Medicine reports.

The Cutting Edge of Science Imagery
[ILLUSTRATION] Human Immunodeficiency Virus 3D [Image courtesy of Ivan Konstantinov, Yury Stefanov, Aleksander Kovalevsky, Yegor Voronin—Visual Science Company; © Science/AAAS; image source: http://j.mp/p4AD3f ]
A new exhibit at AAAS features winners of the International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge, an annual competition sponsored by NSF and Science.

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Kids' Science: AAAS posts a special Science news page for children on EurekAlert!, the AAAS Web Site for science news.

Science Talk, the AAAS Experts & Speakers Bureau: Searchable resource featuring bios, video and photographs.

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