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Triple-A S: Advancing Science, Serving Society

About: Organization/Governance


AAAS has nearly 120,000 individual and institutional members and 262 affiliates, serving 10 million scientists in fields ranging from plant biology to dentistry.

Highlights of AAAS governance follows:

  • Board of Directors
    Responsible for the affairs of the Association.

  • Council
    86 Council members meet annually to establish general policies.

  • Committee on Council Affairs
    Meets twice yearly, serving as executive committee of the Council.

  • Elected Officers
    Members choose AAAS elective officers each year including the president-elect, the president, the chairman of the board and members of the board.

  • Committee on Nominations
    Each year, this committee prepares a slate of candidates for a general election of association officers.

  • 24 Sections
    Correspond to fields of interest among AAAS members, from specific fields like physics, biology and chemistry to general interest in science.

  • Four Regional Divisions
    Elect their own officers and conduct meetings for members in the Arctic; Caribbean; Pacific; and Southwestern and Rocky Mountain regions.

  • AAAS Membership
    Membership is open to all, and guarantees a weekly subscription to Science. As of 2002, membership will also include access to the journal's many online products.

Association Activities
AAAS programs fall within four areas:

Mission | History | Governance | Fellows | Annual Meeting | Affiliates | Awards | Giving
Education | Science & Policy | International Office | Centers
Join | Renew | Benefits | Member Sections | Membership Categories | Member Help | Log in
Science Online | Books & Reports | Newsletters | SB&F | Annual Report | Store
Press Room | Events | Media Contacts | News Archives
Science Careers | Fellowships | Internships | Employment at AAAS
Board of Directors  
Comm. on Council Affairs  
Comm. on Nominations  
Annual Election