• Migrating wildebeest.

    Is the Serengeti Road Canceled?

    Experts Divided Over New Policy on Highway

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More About the Environment

  1. National Geographic headquarters in Washington, D.C.

    Sustainability at National Geographic

    The National Geographic Society aims to be an international leader for global conservation and environmental sustainability. Learn more about the Society's green philosophy and initiatives.

  2. Photo: Diver examines table coral, Phoenix Islands, Kiribati

    Underwater Exploration

    Dive into the discovery of lost cities, submerged lands, ancient ships, and unchartered environments with our new underwater exploration site.

  3. water-wiz-dl.jpg

    Water Use Game

    Check out our new kid-friendly water calculator, and see if you rank as a water wiz or if you're waterlogged.

  4. Photo: Wind mills

    Interactive: Harness the Power of Wind

    Engineer your own turbine and find out for yourself whether or not the answer to our clean energy problem is blowin' in the wind.

  5. Photo: Activity at Cleveland Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska


    Spewing forth molten rock, debris and gases, volcanoes are awesome manifestations of the fiery power contained deep within the Earth.

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    Greendex Survey

    Do you know how your personal choices add up when it comes to environmental impact? View our annual survey to see how American consumers compare to consumers in other countries.


    Interactive: The Greenhouse Effect

    See the greenhouse effect in action and learn more about the science behind global warming.

Environment Topics

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The Ocean

  1. Photo: Fish schooled into a vortex

    Mission Blue

    Learn about making the right seafood choices, get inspired by our ocean heroes, and get tips on how you can help save the ocean.

  2. Image: Marine food chain

    Seafood Decision Guide

    Learn how to eat healthy while lowering your seafood footprint.

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The Great Energy Challenge

  1. energy-about-detroit-river.jpg

    About the Challenge

    Better understand the need for clean energy and learn how to be part of the solution.

  2. ec-100.jpg

    Personal Energy Meter

    See how you measure up, and find out how making simple changes at home can help.

Step Up to the Challenge »

The World's Water

  1. Photo: Sunset at waterfalls

    Why Care About Water?

    National Geographic's freshwater initiative is a global effort to inspire communities to conserve water and restore rivers.

  2. water-calculator-tease.jpg

    Water Calculator

    Figure out your footprint, then join hundreds of website visitors who together have pledged to save thousands of gallons a day.

Learn More About Freshwater »

National Geographic Magazine

  1. Photo: A polar bear rides an ice raft of Svalbard.

    On Thin Ice

    How will polar bears survive the melting arctic?

  2. Photo: Iberian wild goat in Peneda-Geres National Park

    Portugal's Premier Park

    Explore the country's only national park.

  3. Photo: Cary Fowler holds two vials of peas at the Svalbard Global Seed Vault

    Food Ark Photo Gallery

    How to save seeds--insurance for the looming global food crisis.

More From the July Issue »
