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Where Your Money Is Going

Improving & Preserving Health CareHealth Information TechnologyChildren and Community Support ServicesScientific Research & FacilitiesCommunity Health Care ServicesComparative Effectiveness ResearchPrevention and WellnessAccountability & IT Security

The above funding level for Improving and Preserving Health Care, Health IT, and Children and Community Services are actuarial estimates as of January 2011.

*Amounts reflect extension of the enhanced FMAP provision at a phased down-rate through June 30, 2011. P.L. 111-226 provides an estimated $13.6 billion in additional assistance for Medicaid and Foster Care, Adoption Assistance and Guardianship.

Have a Question About Health IT?

Learn more about Meaningful Use or the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs.

Find out which electronic health record products are certified by the HHS Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology ONC-Authorized Testing and Certification Bodies.

Read about health information privacy and security.

Consult your local Regional Extension Center on Health IT issues near you.

Recovery Act Recipient Reporting Assistance for July 2011

Recipient Reporting Assistance, Tools and Helpful LinksImproving & Preserving Health CareHealth ITChildren & Community ServicesScientific Research & FacilitiesCommunity HealthComparative Effectiveness ResearchPrevention & WellnessAccontability and IT Security

HHS Recovery Act recipients will be able to submit their July recipient reports to from July 1 until midnight EST July 14, 2011.


Funding Where You Live

Click on the map to learn about HHS Recovery Act funding in your state

Click on the map to learn about HHS Recovery Act funding in your state.

State-Level Information

Most Recovery Act funding is going to States, Territories, and Tribes, who in turn distribute funds through grants, contracts, and other programs. Check our list of State Recovery sites to access information about your state.


Recovery Act Reports

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Working for America’s Cities (PDF - 26 Pages)

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Working for Rural Communities (PDF - 23 Pages)

A New Way of Doing Business: How the Recovery Act Is Leading the Way To 21st Century Government (PDF - 26 Pages)

View Vice President Joe Biden’s report: Progress Implementing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.


What You Can Do

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