February 2011

February 22, 2011

The Gift That Can’t Be Taken Away

(Note: Speaker deviated from prepared remarks.)

Thank you! And thanks to Roybal for hosting us here today. As some of you may know, one of your own, teacher Linda Yaron is here with me today.

February 15, 2011

Advancing Student Achievement Through Labor-Management Collaboration

Good afternoon. Let me begin by saluting all of you for your commitment in coming here today. I know expectations are high.

And I know it takes courage and conviction to publicly commit to working together with groups that are sometimes portrayed as adversaries, rather than as allies.

February 14, 2011

Investing in Reform and Results: Secretary Duncan's Remarks at the Ed Stakeholders Meeting

I just returned from Baltimore with President Obama. It is fitting that he released his 2012 budget at a school because he is absolutely committed to education. This is a responsible budget that invests in education reforms that will deliver results.

February 2, 2011

The New CTE: Secretary Duncan's Remarks on Career and Technical Education

Thank you for shining the spotlight on the critical field of career and technical education.

The Pathways to Prosperity study envisions a new system of career and technical education that constitutes a radical departure from the vocational education of the past.
