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March 28, 2012

Testimony of US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan—FY 2013 Budget Request

Chairman Klein, Ranking Member Miller and Members of the Committee:

Thank you for this opportunity to talk about President Obama's fiscal year 2013 budget for the Department of Education.

March 22, 2012

Testimony of US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan—FY 2013 Budget Request

Chairman Rehberg, Ranking Member DeLauro and Members of the Committee:

Thank you for this opportunity to talk about President Obama's fiscal year 2013 budget for the Department of Education.

March 19, 2012

“Working in the Nation’s Lowest-Performing Schools: A Progress Report”

Thank you, Reba, for that generous introduction--and thanks to Target for the commitment and leadership they’ve shown in working to strengthen our nation’s schools.

I also want to give a shout-out to Bob Balfanz and John Bridgeland for their groundbreaking work over the years to identify and promote solutions to the high school dropout crisis.

March 14, 2012

World-Class Teachers and School Leaders

Thank you and welcome back to New York! We are delighted to co-host the second International Summit on the Teaching Profession with our outstanding partners and fellow participants.

March 8, 2012

The New Platform for Learning

I have to confess my wife and two children think it's pretty funny that I have been invited to talk about technology at a cutting-edge conference for innovators and entrepreneurs.

It's an understatement to say that I grew up in a technologically-challenged household. We didn't even have a TV when I was a kid. We were not what you would call "early-adopters."

February 28, 2012

Greening Our Schools

Thank you for that generous introduction, Tom [Boasberg]. You're doing a great job, and Denver is lucky to have you as their leader, promoting the green movement here. I want to thank as well my green schools team leaders at the Department, John McGrath and Andrea Falken, who are here with me today.

February 15, 2012

Teachers Get R-E-S-P-E-C-T

Today, we are formally launching Project RESPECT.

RESPECT is an acronym that stands for Recognizing Educational Success, Professional Excellence and Collaborative Teaching. I've always believed that in education, we simply don't have enough acronyms yet—we needed one more!

All kidding aside, let me break down what RESPECT is all about:

February 7, 2012

Fighting the Wrong Education Battles

I was pleased to hear that today's event in the Askwith lecture series was sold-out. But I hope that no one here today is under the impression that they are going to hear from Lady Gaga. I'm the warm-up act—she is later this month.

January 10, 2012

Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at "For Democracy's Future" Forum at the White House

This is a great day and an important moment for education leaders who want to take civic learning to greater heights and expand its impact. And it is an important day for all of us who care about nurturing a vibrant democracy.

January 11, 2012

Time to Bring Your "A" Game—in Academics and Athletics

It is great to be back at the NCAA convention.

A few months ago, President Emmert said that 2011 was the best of times and the worst of times for college sports.

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