October 2010

October 27, 2010

The Link Between Standards and Innovation: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks to Innovate to Educate Symposium, Richmond, VA

It is pleasure to be here today.

Thank you, Governor McDonnell for convening such a great group of leaders to discuss how Virginians can use innovation to drive education reform.

Today, I want to discuss the often neglected link between standards and innovation. Even the very words "standards" and "innovation" seem at odds with each other.

October 21, 2010

Agricultural Education in the 21st Century: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at the FFA Convention

Thank you! What an incredible gathering we have here today! I look around this Field House, and I am so hopeful about the nation's future.

October 19, 2010

Education and International Competition: The Win-Win Game. Secretary Duncan's Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations, New York City

It's great to be back before the Council on Foreign Relations. I am looking forward to a spirited discussion with your members.

I want to talk briefly today about my article in the forthcoming Foreign Affairs on education and international competitiveness, and then turn over the discussion to my good friend and moderator, New York's chancellor Joel Klein.

October 15, 2010

"Call to Service" Lecture at Harvard University

Good evening and thank you so much for this honor. There is no greater honor than service. There is no greater reward than service. And today, as all of you know, there is no greater need.

October 2, 2010

Attorneys and the Higher Calling: Secretary Duncan's Remarks to the American Bar Association Litigation Section, Chicago, Illinois

It's great to be back in Chicago. There seems to be a lot going on here these days. . . And it is great to see so many friends and leaders from the bar who have fought tirelessly to close achievement gaps and advance educational equity in our nation's schools.

October 5, 2010

The Linchpin: The New Mission of Community Colleges

Thank you, Dr. Biden. Your leadership, your knowledge, and your passion about community colleges are without precedent in the hallways of the White House.