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OCR: Office for Civil Rights
Current Section  News

New Additions, Revised Publications, and Recent Items of Interest

| 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 |

  • June 30, 2011: (Press Release) The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released today the Part 1 data from the 2009-2010 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). The data are available to the public at in a privacy-protected format. The 2009-10 sample had approximately 7,000 school districts and 72,000 schools. The 2009-2010 CRDC was conducted in two parts. The data from Part 2 will be released in the fall.

    2009-10 CRDC Table Layouts with Definitions download files MS WORD (687K)

    2009-10 CRDC Questions and Answers

    About the CRDC download files MS WORD (48K)

  • May 26, 2011: (Press Release) “Dear Colleague” letters (May 26, 2011) to elementary and secondary education officials and postsecondary education officials, with attached Frequently Asked Questions document (FAQ), from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Russlynn Ali. The Dear Colleague letters and FAQ follow-up on a June 29, 2010 letter, sent by the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Justice to college and university presidents, regarding the use of electronic book readers and other emerging technologies in compliance with civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. The May 26, 2011 Dear Colleague letters and FAQ answer questions about the obligations of educational institutions that provide benefits to students by means of these technologies.

    "Dear Colleague” letter to elementary and secondary education officials
    download files PDF (79K)

    “Dear Colleague” letter to postsecondary education officials download files PDF (79K)

    FAQ download files PDF (181K)

  • May 6, 2011: “Dear Colleague” letter (May 6, 2011) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Russlynn Ali, General Counsel Charles P. Rose, U.S. Department of Education, and Thomas E. Perez, Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Justice, regarding schools' enrollment procedures.

    "Dear Colleague" letter download files PDF (130K) | En español download files PDF (131K) | Arabic download files PDF (161K) | Chinese download files PDF (315K) | Korean download files PDF (327K) | Tagalog download files PDF (126K) | Vietnamese download files PDF (165K)

    Fact Sheet about Dear Colleague download files PDF (145K) | En español download files PDF (142K) | Arabic download files PDF (292K) | Chinese download files PDF (279K) | Korean download files PDF (249K) | Tagalog download files PDF (113K) | Vietnamese download files PDF (154K)

    Questions and Answers about Dear Colleague download files PDF (87K)

  • April 4, 2011: (Press Release) “Dear colleague” letter (April 4, 2011) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Russlynn Ali. The letter provides guidance and examples about Title IX requirements and how they relate to sexual harassment and sexual violence, discusses proactive efforts schools can take to prevent sexual violence and educate employees and students, and provides examples of the types of remedies schools and OCR may use to respond to sexual violence.

    "Dear Colleague" letter download files PDF (245K) | En español download files PDF (515K)

    Fact Sheet about Dear Colleague download files PDF (121K) | En español download files PDF (364K) | Chinese download files PDF (370K) | Korean download files PDF (427K) | Tagalog download files PDF (155K) | Vietnamese download files PDF (156K)

    Know Your Rights about Dear Colleague download files PDF (138K) | En español download files PDF (174K) | Chinese download files PDF (488K) | Korean download files PDF (430K) | Tagalog download files PDF (182K) | Vietnamese download files PDF (170K)

  • October 26, 2010: (Press Release, En español, Arabic download files PDF (81K), Chinese download files PDF (167K), Korean download files PDF (197K), Punjabi download files PDF (67K), Tagalog download files PDF (30K), Vietnamese download files PDF (74K)) “Dear Colleague” letter (October 26, 2010) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Russlynn Ali, concerning recipients’ obligations to protect students from student-on-student harassment on the basis of sex; race, color and national origin; and disability. The letter clarifies the relationship between bullying and discriminatory harassment, provides examples of harassment, and illustrates how a school should respond in each case.

    "Dear Colleague" letter download files PDF (296K) | En español download files PDF (318K)

    Fact Sheet about Dear Colleague download files PDF (117K) | En español download files PDF (162K) | Arabic download files PDF (96K) | Chinese download files PDF (252K) | Korean download files PDF (259K) | Punjabi download files PDF (133K) | Tagalog download files PDF (94K) | Vietnamese download files PDF (174K)

  • August 6, 2010: The Department of Education submitted notices for publication within the Federal Register announcing the Secretary’s creation of a new commission to address fiscal inequities in K-12 schools.  The Equity and Excellence Commission will be housed within the Office for Civil Rights and will collect information, analyze issues, and obtain broad public input regarding how the Federal government can increase educational opportunity by improving school funding equity.  The Department is also calling for nominations for the 15-member commission. 

    Federal Register Establishment Notice download files PDF (59K)

    Federal Register Nomination Notice download files PDF (52K)

  • June 29, 2010: (Press Release) “Dear Colleague” letter (June 29, 2010) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Russlynn Ali and Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Thomas E. Perez, U.S. Department of Justice, concerning the obligation of colleges and universities to ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to emerging technologies in education. The letter, a joint guidance from the Departments of Justice and Education, reminds colleges and universities of the legal standards in regard to accessibility, and applies those standards to electronic book readers. The letter states that it is impermissible under federal law for colleges and universities to use electronic book readers or similar technology in a teaching or classroom environment as long as the device remains inaccessible to individuals who are blind or have low vision and reasonable accommodation or modification for this type of technology do not exist or are not available.

    "Dear Colleague" letter download files PDF (150K)

    Questions and Answers about Dear Colleague download files PDF (300K)

  • April 20, 2010: (Press Release) “Dear Colleague” letter (April 20, 2010) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Russlynn Ali providing recipients with information about the standards OCR uses to assess compliance with Part Three of the “three-part test.” The test is used to determine whether institutions are meeting the Title IX regulatory requirement to accommodate students’ athletic interests and abilities. The Dear Colleague letter withdraws the following documents issued by OCR in 2005: Additional Clarification of Intercollegiate Athletics Policy: Three Part Test – Part Three; User’s Guide to Student Interest Surveys under Title IX, including the prototype survey; and the technical report. The Dear Colleague letter reaffirms, and provides clarification of, the multiple indicators OCR evaluates to determine whether an institution is in compliance with Part Three. The letter also provides technical assistance on the nondiscriminatory design and implementation of a survey as one method to assess student interest under Part Three.

    "Dear Colleague" letter download files PDF (4.2M)

    Fact Sheet download files PDF (100K)

    Questions and Answers about Dear Colleague

  • March 16, 2010: Important Changes to the Civil Rights Data Collection. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has made important changes to the 2009-10 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). New CRDC data items will enhance OCR’s ability to ensure equal educational opportunity for the Nation’s students, and provide a valuable resource for school administrators, policymakers, researchers, and parents.

    The new data items cover critical topics such as students’ participation in algebra and other college-preparatory subjects, retention, teacher experience/absenteeism, school counselors, school funding, harassment, restraint/seclusion, SAT/ACT participation, desegregations plans, access to kindergarten and pre-kindergarten programs, and additional information related to discipline. Most of the student data collected by the CRDC will be disaggregated by race, sex, disability, and limited English proficient status. Along with these changes, OCR streamlined the survey by removing several other data items. For 2009-10, the CRDC sample will expand from 6,000 to 7,000 school districts, which includes all districts with over 3,000 students. The survey, which will be conducted in two parts (Spring and Fall 2010), will collect data for the 2009-10 school year.

    OCR has also launched a new website,, to display the CRDC data. The new website will make the data more accessible to a wide variety of users. The website contains CRDC data from 2000, 2004 and 2006, and will, in the future, include the 2009-10 CRDC data. The website enhancement was undertaken as part of the Department’s on-going commitment to transparency and accessibility.

    Civil Rights Data Collection Part 1 and Part 2 download files MS Word (707K) 2009-10

    2009-10 Civil Rights Data Collection Fact Sheet

  • January 8, 2010: Notice -- OCR is now posting its updated
    Case Processing Manual (CPM), which replaces the May 2008 version of the CPM.

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  • March 27, 2009: Protecting Students With Disabilities: Frequently Asked Questions About Section 504 and the Education of Children with Disabilities (Revised March 2009).  OCR posted a revised version of this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document on its website.  The primary purpose of these revisions is to incorporate information about The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (Amendments Act), effective January 1, 2009, which amends the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and includes a conforming amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Rehabilitation Act) that affects the meaning of the term disability in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504). The Amendments Act broadens the interpretation of disability. 

  • January 16, 2009: download files PDF (3.39M) Office for Civil Rights Annual Report to Congress for Fiscal Years 2007-08

  • January 13, 2009: "Dear Colleague" letter (January 13, 2009) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe, concerning the obligation of recipients of federal financial assistance from, or funds made available through, the Department to submit a signed assurance of compliance with the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act and the other laws OCR enforces. This letter is a subsequent request to recipients for whom OCR has no record of receiving a signed assurance.  The letter contains instructions for completion, and encloses a blank copy of the Assurance of Compliance – Civil Rights Certificate for submission to OCR.  download files PDF (1.7M)

    Revised Assurance of Compliance -- Civil Rights Certificate download files PDF (106K)

  • January 8, 2009: "Dear Colleague" letter (January 8, 2009) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe providing Chief State School Officers, State educational agencies, and local educational agencies with information to ensure the provisions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, regarding access to, participation in, and administration of, public school choice, are implemented in a nondiscriminatory manner that is consistent with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its implementing regulations.  download files PDF (4.8M)

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  • December 29, 2008: The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (Amendments Act), effective January 1, 2009, amends the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and includes a conforming amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Rehabilitation Act) that affects the meaning of the term disability in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504). The Amendments Act retains the definition of disability under Section 504 and the ADA but emphasizes that the definition should be interpreted broadly. Among other things, the Amendments Act directs that the ameliorating effects of mitigating measures (other than ordinary eyeglasses or contact lenses) not be considered in determining whether an individual has a disability; expands the scope of "major life activities" by providing a non-exhaustive list of general activities and a non-exhaustive list of major bodily functions; clarifies that an impairment that is episodic or in remission is a disability if it would substantially limit a major life activity when active; and clarifies the meaning of "regarded as" having a disability, including that individuals "regarded as" having a disability are not entitled to reasonable accommodations or reasonable modifications.

    OCR is evaluating the impact of the Amendments Act on OCR's enforcement responsibilities under Section 504 and under Title II of the ADA, including whether any changes in regulations, guidance, or other publications are appropriate.

  • December 01, 2008: Sexual Harassment: It's Not Academic (September 2008) This revised pamphlet contains information for students, parents, school administrators, school employees, and others on recognizing and addressing sexual harassment under Title IX as it is interpreted by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. 
    download files PDF (10M)

  • October 17 , 2008: "Dear Colleague" letter
    (October 17, 2008) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe providing State education agencies and local education agencies with information regarding disclosure of disability on report cards and transcripts for students with disabilities attending public elementary and secondary schools.  The purpose of this guidance is to clarify how federal laws apply to statements on report cards and transcripts when these statements identify students as students with disabilities.  
    download files PDF (7M)

  • September 17 , 2008: "Dear Colleague" letter
    (September 17, 2008) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe providing postsecondary institutions, State educational agencies, and local educational agencies with information about how OCR determines which athletic activities can be counted under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.  The purpose of this guidance is to ensure that male and female students are provided equal opportunities to participate in intercollegiate and interscholastic athletics programs consistent with Title IX and its implementing regulations in 34 CFR Part 106. 
    download files PDF (2.4M)

  • August 28, 2008: "Dear Colleague" letter (August 28, 2008) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe addressing Title VI and how OCR assesses the use of race in assigning students to elementary and secondary schools.  download files PDF (1.30M)

  • August 28, 2008: "Dear Colleague" letter (August 28, 2008) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe addressing Title VI and how OCR assesses the use of race in the context of postsecondary student admissions.  download files PDF (1.52M)

  • July 25, 2008: "Dear Colleague" letter (July 25, 2008) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe commemorating the 18th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  This letter discusses the broad impact that Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the ADA have had on aspects of education.  The linked pamphlet “So You Want to Go Back to School” (July 2008) provides information for wounded veterans who are qualified individuals with disabilities under Section 504 and ADA with an overview of their rights and responsibilities regarding academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and reasonable modifications to school policies and practices at postsecondary institutions.  download files PDF (1.61M)

  • June 4, 2008: "Dear Colleague" letter (May 22, 2008) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe providing State educational agencies and local educational agencies with information regarding access to, admission into, and the administration of Advanced Placement and other challenging academic courses, on a nondiscriminatory basis consistent with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and its implementing regulations at 34 C.F.R. Part 100. download files PDF (3.6M)

  • May 9 ,2008: Notice - OCR is now posting its revised Case Processing Manual (CPM), which replaces the Case Resolution and Investigation Manual (CRIM).

    Case Processing Manual (CPM) (March 2008)

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  • December 26, 2007: "Dear Colleague" letter (December 26, 2007) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe addressing the rights of students with disabilities to participate in schools' and school districts' accelerated programs, such as Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate classes or programs. download files PDF (2.8M)

  • August 2, 2007: Office for Civil Rights Annual Report to Congress for Fiscal Year 2006 download files PDF (6.1M)

  • June 25, 2007: "Dear Colleague" letter (June 25, 2007) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe addressing the Title IX regulatory requirements related to nondiscriminatory treatment of pregnant students in the context of athletic scholarships. download files PDF (191K)

  • June 22, 2007: "Dear Colleague" letter (June 22, 2007) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe commemorating the 35th anniversary of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 on June 23, 2007. This letter discusses the broad impact that Title IX has had on aspects of education. download files PDF (2.4M)

  • March 16, 2007: "Dear Colleague" letter and "Dear Parent" letter (March 16, 2007) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe, providing information about the legal rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities as they transition from high school to institutions of postsecondary education. Distributed with the letters is a question and answer document, Transition of Students with Disabilities to Postsecondary Education: A Guide for High School Educators (March 16, 2007) and Revised Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities (Revised March 2007).

    download files PDF (568K) "Dear Colleague" letter

    download files PDF (306K) "Dear Parent " letter

  • January 31, 2007: "Dear Colleague" letter (January 31, 2007) from Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Stephanie Monroe, notifying recipients of the new single-sex regulations, published in the Federal Register on October 25, 2006, that provides additional flexibility to recipients to offer non-vocational elementary and secondary education on a single-sex basis while ensuring that non-vocational single-sex education is provided consistent with the nondiscrimination requirements of Title IX.  It also informs recipients of a dedicated email address established by OCR to receive questions and requests for technical assistance in connection with these new requirements.

    download files PDF (3.8M) "Dear Colleague" letter and new regulatory provisions

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Additional documents and publications can be found in the Reading Room.
Archived documents from previous administrations may be found in the OCR Archives.

Civil Rights Posters Available

Free posters commemorating the 40th & 50th anniversary of Brown vs. Board of Education are available at ED PUBS, Education Publications Center, U.S. Department of Education, P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398; or call in your request toll-free: 1-877-433-7827 (1-877-4-ED-PUBS); or email your request to: be sure to include your name and mailing address. This offer is available while supplies last.

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Last Modified: 07/15/2011