January 2011

January 25, 2011

Statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on the Release of the NAEP Science Report Card

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan issued the following statement on The Nation's Report Card: Science 2009, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) at Grades 4, 8, and 12:

January 24, 2011

Education Secretary Arne Duncan Will Make Educational Opportunities for Military Families a Priority as Part of Presidential Initiative

As part of the Obama administration initiative to support military families, the U.S. Department of Education will focus on providing educational opportunities for children of military families, especially when a parent is deployed and during times of transition between schools. The Department will also simplify the financial aid application process for members of the military.

January 24, 2011

Education Secretary Launches United States Education Dashboard

The U.S. Department of Education today launched a new website that provides convenient and transparent access to key national and state education data, highlighting the progress being made across the country in every level of the education system and encouraging communities to engage in a conversation about their schools.

January 24, 2011

150 School Districts to Participate in Conference on Labor-Management Collaboration

Today the Department of Education announced that it has selected 150 school districts from among the 245 applications it received to participate in its upcoming conference on labor-management collaboration Feb 15-16 in Denver, Colo.

January 20, 2011

U.S. Labor and Education Departments Encourage Applications for Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant Program

The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a solicitation for grant applications under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant Program. The Labor Department will award approximately $500 million this year through the program and a total of $2 billion over the next four years.

January 19, 2011

Statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on Proposed Repeal of Health Care Reform

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today issued the following statement on House legislation that would repeal the Affordable Care Act, the historic health care reform law approved last year by Congress.

January 18, 2011

Federal Agencies Publish Plans to Increase Participation of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

Today the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Interagency Working Group (IWG) released the first set of agency plans to increase Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) access to the federal government.

January 10, 2011

Statement of U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on the Tragic Shootings in Tucson

Following is a statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on the tragic shootings in Tucson this past weekend.

January 3, 2011

Conference on Labor-Management Collaboration Set for Denver

School districts and labor leaders from across the country have been invited to attend a federally sponsored conference in Denver on Feb. 15 and 16 to identify ways that collaborative labor-management relationships, policies and agreements can more directly drive student achievement.