New York
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July 8, 2011

Department Officials Meet with New York Representatives to Learn about Progress Made in Implementing Race to the Top Plan

A team of leaders from the U.S. Department of Education’s Implementation and Support Unit (ISU) met with representatives from New York’s Race to the Top team in Albany today for an on-site program review.

May 16, 2011

Statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan On New York Education Reforms and the Selection of John King as State Chief

Following is a statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on New York's education reforms and the appointment of John King as state education commissioner.

October 19, 2010

Education and International Competition: The Win-Win Game. Secretary Duncan's Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations, New York City

It's great to be back before the Council on Foreign Relations. I am looking forward to a spirited discussion with your members.

I want to talk briefly today about my article in the forthcoming Foreign Affairs on education and international competitiveness, and then turn over the discussion to my good friend and moderator, New York's chancellor Joel Klein.

October 14, 2010

Education Secretary Arne Duncan Announces $27 Million for Three Ready-to-Learn Television Program Grants

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced three awards totaling $27 million for projects to improve educational opportunities for young learners through innovative technology. Grants will be used to develop and deliver high-quality, age-appropriate, educational content to increase the early literacy and mathematics skills of young children age two through eight years old.

August 31, 2010

New York, Georgia, and American Samoa Will Receive Funds to Support Education Jobs

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced that New York will receive $607.6 million, Georgia will receive $322.3 million, and American Samoa will receive $8,324,352 to support education jobs.

New York Race to the Top Press Conference

New York Race to the Top Press Conference
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