The Recovery Act: Transforming the American Economy Through Innovation

With over $787 billion in funding, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is one of the single boldest and largest investments in the U.S. economy in the nation’s history.  The Recovery Act’s design was three-fold:  to rescue a rapidly deteriorating economy; put the country on a path to recovery by putting Americans back to work quickly; and reinvest in the country’s long-term economic future, building a foundation for a new, more robust, and competitive American economy.  

Within the Reinvestment spending of the Recovery Act, over $100 billion is invested in innovative and transformative programs.  This report explores four areas within those innovative programs in which game-changing breakthroughs are being sought, and in some cases, new American industries are being born:

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Funding for Innovation in Recovery Act 

Note: EERE and Smart Grid figures estimate impact of Title 17 rescission. Source: OMB analysis

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