100 Days, 100 Projects

Ed DeSeve, Coordinator of Recovery Implementation, tells us about a new report:
It seems like a long time since President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on February 17. In fact, it’s only been 100 days. In that time, we’ve obligated over 100 billion dollars, created more than 150,000 jobs and started important projects in every state and territory of America. Today, President Obama released a snapshot of these projects called "100 Days, 100 Projects."
As we worked to compile the Report, all of us were struck by the very personal stories that we came across. We learned that Recovery is about more than just projects. It’s about helping people who have been hit hard by the worst recession of our lifetimes. It’s about people like Joe Jamiel who was able to keep his family’s shoe store open in Rhode Island with an SBA loan; or Chang Suhn Lee and his wife Soon Oak who will be expanding their small farm in Virginia; or the more than 54 million Americans who got an extra $250 in their Social Security checks this month to help make ends meet.
Recovery means that a health care clinic in Pearl, Mississippi can serve an additional 9,000 patients over the next two years and the Housing Authority of Laredo Texas will install $1,500,000 of green improvements to lower costs and improve people’s homes. In Allen Parish Louisiana, there will be four new fire trucks and in the State of Maine a new ferry to serve the people on islands in Penobscot Bay.
As we move forward during the next 100 days and beyond, we are creating a road map that we will present soon to highlight the commitments and milestones ahead. Starting in October, the Recovery.Gov website will provide detailed information on how monies were spent, an estimate of how many jobs were created, and where these jobs are. 
As Vice President Joe Biden said, "We’ve done a lot in 100 days. But we know there is still much to do... You know, as we do, that the road to full recovery will be long and not always smooth. But we also know that, working together, there is no doubt that we will reach the end of that road. When we do, America will be better and stronger than ever."
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