RSS feeds

AT&T offers podcasts to help reporters, industry analysts and consumers easily stay abreast of news about AT&T. You can also follow AT&T news on Twitter.

What is RSS?

RSS describes a group of file formats based on XML, that allows digested news and headlines to be easily delivered over the Internet. It enables AT&T-related headlines to be sent directly to you using standard Web-based technologies.

For a more detailed description of RSS, please refer to the following Wikipedia article.

What do I need to receive AT&T RSS feeds?

There are two ways to receive an RSS feed: via a personal RSS aggregator application or using a Web-based RSS reader service. Subscribe once, and you will automatically receive AT&T news headlines.

If you would like to receive AT&T headlines, you first need to either: download and install an RSS reader which you can obtain at various Web sites, or create an account on a Web site that provides RSS reader functionality. Some Web portals such as My Yahoo! also provide RSS reading capabilities on your personalized home page. View a list of available RSS readers.

Once you have chosen an RSS reader, you must subscribe to the AT&T RSS feed. You can do this by clicking the orange XML button above and noting the URL; this is the XML address that you need to enter into your reader to subscribe. Follow the instructions for your particular news reader, and then add this URL wherever it asks for the location of the service to which you wish to subscribe.

Please refer to your chosen news reader's documentation for specific instructions for subscribing and unsubscribing to RSS Feeds.

Other Inquiries

Letters to AT&T may be sent to the company's headquarters at:

AT&T Inc.
Corporate Communications
208 S. Akard St.
Dallas, TX 75202

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