US Department of Energy
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Demoing the Modified TALON Robot
How ARPA-e is "Winning the Future"
Energy 101: Solar PV
Energy 101: Wind Turbines
Welcome to The Office of Science
Sec. Chu Online Town Hall
Energy 101: Cool Roofs
Steven Chu Wants To Hear From You
Energy 101: Geothermal Heat Pumps
Why Cool Roofs?
New Orleans and Energy Efficiency
Weatherizing Wilkes-Barre
White House Science Fair Recap
Energy 101: Home Energy Assessment
Linac Coherent Light Source Overview
Matt Rogers on AES Energy Storage
Energy 101: Concentrating Solar Power
Cathy Zoi on Weatherization
Re-Building Greensburg
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U.S. Department of Energy
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Total Upload Views:
Jul 13, 2009
Last Visit Date:
2 weeks ago
About Me:
Welcome to the official YouTube channel for the Department of Energy!

Secretary Steven Chu and the Department of Energy are working to implement President Obama's vision to ensure America's leadership in the new clean energy economy. Through investments in clean energy and groundbreaking scientific research, the Department is at the forefront of the effort to transform the way we use and produce energy -- saving families money, confronting the climate crisis and reducing our dependence on foreign oil. The Department also plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and reliability of our nation's nuclear weapons and the responsible clean-up of the Cold War legacy.
Washington, DC
United States
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Recent Activity  
USdepartmentofenergy uploaded a new video (4 days ago)
U.S. Department of Energy Tribal Summit, May 4-5, 2011 - DAY 2
Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Virginia

The summit built on the Department's c...   more
USdepartmentofenergy uploaded a new video (6 days ago)
U.S. Department of Energy Tribal Summit, May 4-5, 2011 - DAY 1
Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Virginia

The summit built on the Department's c...   more
USdepartmentofenergy uploaded a new video (2 weeks ago)
Topeka, KS has activated the first of three key traffic corridors to receive a "green light tunnel," a real-time adaptive traffic signal ...   more
USdepartmentofenergy uploaded a new video (3 weeks ago)
A technician at Idaho National Laboratory demonstrates the modified TALON robot.
USdepartmentofenergy uploaded a new video (1 month ago)
King County, Washington is spearheading a regional effort to develop a network of electric vehicle charging stations. It is also improving its vehi...   more
Channel Comments (44)
Ali2011mb (5 days ago)
watch my video
SolarCrib (1 week ago)
Great to see this channel! Thank you!
thailandadoption (3 weeks ago)
Hi, excellent information you got here. great channel. Keep it up!
usavisathailand (3 weeks ago)
nice channel..keep it up..
SIRSpikeHAWK (1 month ago)
Warum die Morbach - Juden sich über die USA lustig machen ist merkwürdig, da sie ja
gerne die Hilfe der Staaten in Anspruch nehmen. Man sollte vielleicht die Meinung Israels
zu den USA an dieser Einstellung bewerten .... Möglicherweise haben sie auch politische
Motive da sie als mögliche Stasistrukturen in den USA gearbeitet haben und nun
aufgeflogen sind^^ - Why the Morbach - Jews make fun of the United States is remarkable,
as they take quite willing to help from the State. One should perhaps evaluate the views
of Israel to the United States to this setting .... They may have political motives because
they have worked as potential Stasi structures in the United States and are now flown up ^ ^
todd987 (1 month ago)
CAN WE PLEASE GET FRANCE's ITER here in the US Mr. Secretary Steven Chu. Can you reply back.
luisbeck007 (1 month ago)
- HUMANOIDS 000======================== :-)
AmericanOppression (2 months ago)
Ass fucked Americans have no alternative energy solution. That's why they get that oil dick rammed way up their American asses!
SolarInstaller7 (2 months ago)
Usdepartmentofenergy, Thanks for the videos. Please FAVORITE my videos if you Support WIND & SOLAR POWER.
PhxGreenHomeConcepts (2 months ago)
Thank u
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