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Money: Where's my Watchlist?

When you create a Quote Watchlist, the information it contains is tied to the browser cookies on your computer. If someone deletes the cookies from your computer, or if your security settings block or periodically delete cookies, you may lose your Quote Watchlist information.

To avoid this problem, we recommend that you sign in to MSN Money with your Windows Live ID. When you do so, your Quote Watchlist is tied to your sign-in name and password online instead of your browser cookies. Not only does this help prevent you from losing your Quote Watchlist information, but it also lets you access your Quote Watchlist from any computer that is connected to the internet. To learn more, see Money: Access your Quote Watchlist from any computer.

Tips for when you can't see your Watchlist

  • When you sign in to MSN Money, check the Remember me box (depending on your computer settings, you might not see this box). If you don’t select Remember me, you will need to sign in again every time you close your browser in order to see your Watchlist.

  • If you can't see your Watchlist, try signing in to MSN Money first. If your browser privacy settings don't allow cookie storage, you may need to be signed in every time you want to use the Watchlist.

  • Some antivirus software will delete cookies needed for the Quote Watchlist. You may need to adjust your antivirus settings to designate as a trusted site. Every antivirus product is different, so consult your antivirus software support resources for how to do this.

  • If two or more Windows Live IDs are used on the same computer but none is currently signed in to MSN Money, the Watchlist will automatically associated with the Windows Live ID that signed in most recently. If you share a computer, we recommend that you always sign in to MSN Money before making changes to your Watchlist.

  • If your browser cookies get deleted, you may not see your Quote Watchlist. But if you have previously signed in to MSN Money, your Watchlist will be automatically restored by signing in again.

  • If you share a computer, someone else could have made changes to your Watchlist. Be sure to sign out of MSN Money when you’re done. This prevents other people from making changes to your Watchlist.

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