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Information Resources Management Reports

Helping the Agency maintain confidentiality, integrity, and availability of its systems and data.

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Report Title
EPA Should Delay Deploying Its New Acquisition System until Testing Is Completed, Report No. 09-P-0197 [Report PDF - 14pp, 128KB] [At a Glance PDF - 100KB] July 20, 2009
Results of Technical Network Vulnerability Assessment: EPA's 1310 L Street Building, Report No. 09-P-0189 [At a Glance PDF - 100KB] June 30, 2009
Results of Technical Network Vulnerability Assessment: EPA's Potomac Yard Buildings, Report No. 09-P-0188 [At a Glance PDF - 102KB] June 30, 2009
Results of Technical Network Vulnerability Asssessment: Region 8, Report No. 09-P-0187 [At a Glance PDF - 100KB] June 30, 2009
Results of Technical Network Vulnerability Assessment: EPA's National Computer Center, Report No. 09-P-0186 [At a Glance PDF - 100KB] June 30, 2009
Results of Technical Network Vulnerability Assessment: EPA's Great Lakes National Program Office, Report No. 09-P-0185 [At a Glance PDF - 91KB] June 30, 2009
Steps Taken But More Work Needed to Strengthen Governance, Increase Utilization, and Improve Security Planning for the Exchange Network, Report No. 09-P-0184 [Report PDF - 25pp, 229KB] June 30, 2009
Lack of Project Plan Resulted in Transition and Contractor Performance Problems for the Institutional Controls Tracking System, Report No. 09-P-0128 [Report PDF - 13pp, 133KB] [At a Glance PDF - 51KB] March 25, 2009
Results of Technical Network Vulnerability Assessment: EPA Headquarters, Report No. 09-P-0097 [At a Glance PDF - 51KB] February 23, 2009
Results of Technical Network Vulnerability Assessment: EPA’s Research Triangle Park Campus, Report No. 09-P-0055 [At a Glance PDF - 55KB] December 9, 2008
Results of Technical Network Vulnerability Assessment: EPA's Las Vegas Finance Center, Report No. 09-P-0054 [At a Glance PDF - 53KB] December 9, 2008
Results of Technical Network Vulnerability Assessment: EPA's Radiation and Indoor Environments National Laboratory, Report No. 09-P-0053 [At a Glance PDF - 45KB] December 9, 2008
Results of Technical Network Vulnerability Assessment: Region 9, Report No. 09-P-0052 [At a Glance PDF - 57KB] December 9, 2008
Fiscal Year 2008 Federal Information Security Management Act Report, Report No. 08-P-0280 [Report PDF - 12pp, 844KB] September 26, 2008
Management of EPA Headquarters Internet Protocol Addresses Needs Improvement, Report No. 08-P-0273 [At a Glance PDF - 56KB] September 23, 2008
EPA Personnel Access and Security System Would Benefit from Improved Project Management to Control Costs and the Timeliness of Deliverables, Report No. 08-P-0271 [Report PDF - 25pp, 228KB] [At a Glance PDF - 54KB] [Close-Out Memo PDF -5pp, 144KB] September 22, 2008
Identification Proofing, Incident Handling, and Badge Disposal Procedures Needed for EPA's Smartcard Program, Report No. 08-P-0267 [Report PDF - 14pp, 192KB] [At a Glance PDF - 108KB] September 16, 2008
Fiscal Year 2007 Federal Information Security Management Act Report Status of EPA’s Computer Security Program, Report No. 2007-S-00003 [Report PDF - 12, 660KB] [Supplemental Fiscal 2007 FISMA Audit Results, December 20, 2007, PDF - 6pp, 467KB] September 25, 2007
EPA Needs to Strengthen Its Privacy Program Management Controls, Report No. 2007-P-00035 [Report PDF - 20pp, 181KB] [At a Glance PDF - 51KB] September 17, 2007
Improved Management Practices Needed to Increase Use of Exchange Network, Report No. 2007-P-00030 [Report PDF - 34pp, 774KB] [At a Glance PDF - 113KB] August 20, 2007
EPA Needs to Strengthen Financial Database Security Oversight and Monitor Compliance, Report No. 2007-P-00017, [Report PDF - 24pp, 215KB] [At a Glance PDF - 61KB] March 29, 2007
EPA Could Improve Controls Over Mainframe System Software, Report No. 2007-P-00008 [Report PDF - 35pp, 264KB] [At a Glance PDF - 60KB] January 29, 2007
EPA Could Improve Processes for Managing Contractor Systems and Reporting Incidents, Report No. 2007-P-00007 [Report PDF - 22pp, 238KB] [At a Glance PDF - 50KB] January 11, 2007
Fiscal Year 2006 Federal Information Security Management Act Report Status of EPA’s Computer Security Program, Report No. 2006-S-00008 [Report PDF - 14pp, 287KB] September 25, 2006
Assessing EPA’s Efforts to Protect Sensitive Information, Report No. 2006-S-00006 [Report PDF - 12pp, 228KB] September 19, 2006
Information Security Series: Security Practices Clean Air Markets Division Business System, Report No. 2006-P-00024 [Report - 143KB PDF, 14pp] [At a Glance - 59KB PDF] May 4, 2006
Information Security Series: Security Practices, Safe Drinking Water Information System, Report No. 2006-P-00021 [Report - 142KB PDF, 14pp] [At a Glance - 66KB PDF] March 30, 2006
Information Security Series: Security Practices Integrated Compliance Information System, Report No. 2006-P-00020 [Report - 165KB PDF, 14pp] [At a Glance - 72KB PDF] March 29, 2006
Information Security Series: Security Practices Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System, Report No. 2006-P-00019 [Report -152KB PDF, 14pp] [At a Glance - 70KB PDF] March 28, 2006
Information Security Series: Security Practices - Integrated Contract Management System, Report No. 2006-P-00010 [Report - 171KB PDF, 15pp] [At a Glance - 59KB PDF] January 31, 2006
EPA Could Improve Physical Access and Service Continuity/Contingency Controls for Financial and Mixed-Financial Systems Located at its Research Triangle Park Campus, Report No. 2006-P-00005 [Report - 383KB, PDF, 50pp] [At a Glance - 60KB, PDF] December 14, 2005
EPA Could Improve Its Information Security by Strengthening Verification and Validation Processes Report No. 2006-P-00002 [Report - 232KB PDF, 22pp] [At a Glance - 49KB PDF] October 17, 2005
Federal Information Security Management Act Fiscal Year 2005 Status of EPA’s Computer Security Program Report No. 2006-S-00001 [Report -266KB PDF, 18pp] October 3, 2005
Evaluation of U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board’s Compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) for Fiscal Year 2005 Report 2005-2-00030 [Report - 664KB PDF, 200pp] [At a Glance - 338KB PDF] September 28, 2005
EPA Needs to Improve Oversight of Its Information Technology Projects Report No. 2005-P-00023Report - 154KB PDF, 20pp] [At a Glance - 51KB PDF] September 14, 2005
PeoplePlus Security Controls Need Improvement, Report No. 2005-P-00019 [Report - 232KB PDF, 27pp] [At a Glance - 50KB PDF] July 28, 2005
Security Configuration and Monitoring of EPA's Remote Access Methods Need Improvement Report No. 2005-P-00011 [Report - 198KB PDF] [At a Glance - 39KB PDF ] March 22, 2005
Federal Information Security Management Act Fiscal Year 2004 Status of EPA’s Computer Security Program, Report No. 2004-S-00007 [83KB PDF] September 30, 2004
EPA Needs to Improve Change Controls for Integrated Financial Management System (2004-P-00026) [169KB PDF] August 24, 2004
Access Controls for Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Systems Need Improvement Report No. 2004-P-00015 [Report - 487KB PDF] April 26, 2004
EPA's Computer Security Self-Assessment Process Needs Improvement Report No. 2003-P-00017 [Report - 270 KB PDF] September 30, 2003
Improvements Are Needed for Information Technology Controls at the Las Vegas Finance Center [310KB PDF] May 29, 2003
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERLCIS) Data Quality [659KB PDF] September 30, 2002
EPA Management of Information Technology Resources Under The Clinger-Cohen Act [302KB PDF] September 30, 2002
Government Information Security Reform Act [163KB PDF] September 16, 2002
Audit Report - Information Technology Review of Off-Site Consequence Analysis Information Management - (2002-P-00006) [PDF- 88KB] March 22, 2002
Audit Report - Information Technology Unreliable Data Affects Usability of Docket Information - (2002-P-00004) [PDF- 1.39 MB] January 18, 2002
Government Information Security Reform Act - Status of EPA's Computer Security Program - (2001-P-00016)[PDF - 85 Kb] September 7, 2001
Contractor Access to Confidential Data - September 28, 1998 (8100250) [PDF - 45Kb] September 28, 1998
Office of Water Data Integration Efforts - June 22, 1998 (8100177) [PDF - 85Kb] June 22, 1998
Security of Science and Ecosystems Support Division Local Area Network (7100309) [PDF - 61KB] September 30, 1997
Security of Region IV Local Area Networks (LANS)(7100308) [PDF - 74KB] September 29, 1997
Security of Small Purchase Electronic Interchange (SPEDI) (7100307) [PDF - 79KB] July 18, 1997
Review of ORD's Extramural Management Specialist Position (7100141) [HTML] April 28, 1997
Region 5's Billing and Collection of Accounts Receivable (7100139) [HTML] April 23, 1997
Risk Reduction Through Voluntary Programs (7100130) [HTML] April 21, 1997
EPA Implementation of Government Performance and Results Act (6100297) [HTML] February 28, 1997
Presidents's Council on Integrity and Efficiency (PCIE): Review of Application Software Maintenance in Federal Agencies [HTML] February 2, 1997
EPA's Changing Budget Process: Opportunity for Improved Financial Management (6100300) [HTML] January 31, 1997
EPA's Use of the Government Purchase Card [Summary] | [Full text] November 18, 1996
Major EPA Information Systems Are Vulnerable to Failure Due to the Upcoming Century Change (6400036) [HTML] 1996


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