September 27, 2010

Groundbreaking for restoration project at Long Beach West

Stratford, Conn. - A ceremony was held today to break ground for a project to restore Long Beach West, one of Connecticut’s longest stretches of barrier beach. The project, supported by nearly $1 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus funding, involves demolishing the dilapidated remnants of a former summer community, removing debris and contaminants, and ultimately re-establishing 35-acres of beach to its natural state for people and wildlife.

September 17, 2010

Interior Department’s American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Projects in National Spotlight from East to West

The Department of the Interior’s work to improve two of our country’s treasured landscapes was recently included in a new report from Vice President Joe Biden, “100 Recovery Act Projects that are Changing America.” The report highlighted the Recovery Act investments the National Park Service is making at Ellis Island and the Grand Canyon.

DOI Recovery Investments by Bureau