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Strategic Business Partnership

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Strategic Business Partnership

MBDA Builds Partnerships Increasing Opportunities For Minority Entrepreneurs

MBDA strategic partnerships will provide unprecedented opportunities to minority-owned businesses, increasing their global competitive advantage and their capabilities to create jobs. These partnership assists firms that show promise of growth and sustainability in today’s marketplace.


Name of Partner

Partnership Benefits

International Business Machines (IBM), Inc.

To increase the number of MBEs and small business enterprises that will have direct access to the supply chains of large companies. Promoting community economic development and the growth and competitiveness of minority and small business enterprises. 

National Urban League, Inc. 

To establish a strategic partnership that will provide a maximum opportunity to strengthen and expand the growth and competitiveness of MBEs across the United States and internationally.

Republic of Turkey
U.S. International Trade Administration (ITA)

Support the preparation of cooperative projects and to share relevant information and best practices on the innovation, entrepreneurship and promotion of exports and international trade relating to SMEs. Provide for SME networking opportunities and promote international trade between US and Turkish SMEs.

Tremco, Inc.

The parties establish a strategic relationship that will increase the number of qualified MBEs who will have direct access to a corporate training and mentoring program that includes classroom and on-the-job training at no cost.

U.S. Census Bureau

An agreement between the MBDA, U.S. Department of Commerce, through which MBDA will pay the Census Bureau for the production of special tabulations on minority-owned and non-minority owned firms based on the data collected for the 2007 Survey of Business Owners (SBO).

U.S. International Trade Administration

Assist minority companies to develop their export potential through increased awareness and use of existing ITA products and services; increase ITA and MBDA cooperation at the regional and district office/local level, especially in regard to export counseling and trade finance training for minority firms.

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