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July 21, 2010

Rural America Learning Opportunities and Technology: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at the National Rural Education Summit

Good morning. Welcome to our rural education summit. We've invited you here today because we are committed to helping you celebrate the unique strengths of rural schools and solve the unique challenges facing rural schools.

July 16, 2010

The Win-Win Solution: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at the Council of Chief State School Officers and State Higher Education Executive Officers' 2010 Joint Summer Meeting

Thank you, Paul and Gene, for that generous introduction. Your leadership, commitment, and courage have been absolutely extraordinary. I can't thank you enough for your hard work and partnership.

I'm excited to join you here this morning at CCSSO and SHEEO's first joint meeting. This conference marks the flowering of an important collaboration that should be celebrated.

July 15, 2010

The Three Myths of High School Reform: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at the College Board AP Conference

Thank you, Gaston, for that kind introduction. I want to talk to you today about a mission that goes to the heart not just of the work of the College Board but is at the very core of the administration's agenda for high schools.

July 14, 2010

Equity and Education Reform: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Good morning. And thank you.

President Obama often says that the story of the civil rights movement was written in the classroom -- and for some time now, I have been saying that education is the civil rights issue of our generation.

July 9, 2010

Under Secretary Martha J. Kanter's Remarks at the Excelsior College Commencement

President Ebersole, Chairman Yepp, distinguished guests, faculty, families, friends, and, most especially, the Excelsior Class of 2010, students, thank you for inviting me to speak at your commencement.

July 1, 2010

Remarks by Secretary Arne Duncan to the National Alliance of Public Charter Schools

I'm sorry I couldn't be with you there live today in person, but I'll keep my remarks very brief and open it up to any questions you might have.

June 26, 2010

The Link in the Chain: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at the De Anza College Commencement

Thank you, President Murphy. It's a pleasure to be here this morning to join in celebrating the class of 2010's success.

I want to begin with a confession today: I was a little intimidated to learn about some of the celebrity orators who speak at commencement ceremonies in the Bay Area.

June 25, 2010

The Protean Career: Secretary Arne Duncan's Remarks at the Foothill College Commencement

Thank you, President Miner, for that very generous introduction and for your extraordinary leadership. It's an honor to be here this evening, and to join in celebrating the class of 2010's success.

June 22, 2010

The Relevance of Liberal Arts to a Prosperous Democracy: Under Secretary Martha J. Kanter’s Remarks at the Annapolis Group Conference

Thank you, Mark, for that gracious introduction. It's a pleasure to be here today to meet the Annapolis Group, to discuss the significance of the liberal arts in general, to address what I think are several popular misconceptions about liberal arts colleges and universities, and to open a dialogue with you to reach President Obama's 2020 goal.