School Improvement Fund

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Approved SIG Grants
(May, 2011)
Data on SIG Schools
(May, 2011)
IES Report
(May, 2011)
SIG list of PLA Schools
(May, 2011)
SIG Regional Conferences (February, 2011)
SIG Monitoring Tool (January 2011)
SIG Newsletter PDF (December, 2010)
Handbook on Effective Implementation of School Improvement Grants (April 26, 2010)
SIG Guidance
(November 1, 2010)
Final Requirements for School Improvement Grants (October 28, 2010)
(November 1, 2010)
School Turnaround
Grants Budget Table

(December 1, 2010)

In conjunction with Title I funds for school improvement reserved under section 1003(a) of the ESEA, School Improvement Grants under section 1003(g) of the ESEA are used to improve student achievement in Title I schools identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring so as to enable those schools to make adequate yearly progress (AYP) and exit improvement status.

The Department of Education Appropriations Act, 2010, provided $546 million for School Improvement Grants in fiscal year (FY) 2010. In addition, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) estimates that, collectively, States have carried over approximately $825 million in FY 2009 SIG funds that will be combined with FY 2010 SIG funds, for a total of nearly $1.4 billion that will be awarded by States as part of their FY 2010 SIG competitions.

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Last Modified: 05/18/2011