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related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

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 The Recovery Act

On Feb. 17, 2009, Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 at the urging of President Obama, who signed it into law four days later. A direct response to the economic crisis, the Recovery Act has three immediate goals:

  • Create new jobs and save existing ones
  • Spur economic activity and invest in long-term growth
  • Foster unprecedented levels of accountability and transparency in government spending

The Recovery Act intends to achieve those goals by:

  • Providing $288 billion in tax cuts and benefits for millions of working families and businesses
  • Increasing federal funds for education and health care as well as entitlement programs (such as extending unemployment benefits) by $224 billion
  • Making $275 billion available for federal contracts, grants and loans
  • Requiring recipients of Recovery funds to report quarterly on how they are using the money.  All the data is posted on  so the public can track the Recovery funds.

In addition to offering financial aid directly to local school districts, expanding the Child Tax Credit, and underwriting a process to computerize health records to reduce medical errors and save on health care costs, the Recovery Act is targeted at infrastructure development and enhancement. For instance, the Act plans investment in the domestic renewable energy industry and the weatherizing of 75 percent of federal buildings as well as more than one million private homes around the country.

Construction and repair of roads and bridges as well as scientific research and the expansion of broadband and wireless service are also included among the many projects that the Recovery Act will fund.

While many of Recovery Act projects are focused more immediately on jumpstarting the economy, others, especially those involving infrastructure improvements, are expected to contribute to economic growth for many years.

PDF To view the full bill, click here.


Policy & Guidance

The Office of Management and Budget frequently publishes guidance to the federal agencies on how they should implement requirements defined in the Recovery Act. In addition, the Council of Economic Advisers issues reports to the President outlining the impact of the Recovery Act on the overall economy. The guidance and reports are found below. 

The Office of Management and Budget also provided guidance on Recipient Reporting.


Office of Management and Budget Guidance to Federal Agencies

 Preparing for Implementation Feb 2009 (PDF 46 KB)

 Initial Implementing Guidance Feb 2009 (PDF 547 KB)

 Updated Implementing Guidance Apr 2009 (PDF 1.5 MB)


Council of Economic Advisers Reports

 Economic Impact of the Recovery Act of 2009 Jan 2010 (PDF 284 KB)

PDF Estimates of Job Creation May 2009 (PDF 78 KB)
