Grantmaking at ED
Answers to Your Questions About the Discretionary Grants Process (April 2010)

Grantmaking at ED
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Grantmaking at ED provides a non-technical summary of ED's discretionary grant process and the laws and regulations that govern it.

This publication is intended for individuals and organizations that are interested in applying to ED for discretionary grants and cooperative agreements, have received an award, or are interested in knowing more about ED's discretionary grant process. It describes how grant programs are created by Congress and administered by ED, and the process for the public to apply for and receive discretionary grants.

This document does not contain information about ED programs that give student financial assistance or funding through formula grant programs. Information about federal student aid is available at: Information about all ED grants is available at: Readers may also refer to "Other Information" at the end of this publication to locate information on these types of assistance.

Note: Grantmaking at ED is provided here in Word and PDF so it can be easily printed or saved to a computer or portable storage device. The text can be searched electronically for words or phrases, and helpful links are provided within the document in the table of contents, to terms defined in the Glossary, and to other websites.

We hope you find this publication helpful. We appreciate your interest in our grant programs and look forward to working with you to promote educational excellence and equity in the United States.

Grantmaking at ED, April 2010 Download files PDF (219K) | MS Word (432K)

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Last Modified: 05/06/2010