General Inquiries

  • Questions about the Department (ED) or NCLB

    Please see our frequently asked questions (preguntas y respuestas frequentes).

    Phone: 1-800-USA-LEARN (1-800-872-5327)
    Spanish speakers available (se habla español)
    TTY: 1-800-437-0833

  • ED Phonebook and Organizational Directory

    Use our electronic phonebook to find phone numbers and room numbers of ED staff, or call 1-800-872-5327 (202-401-2000 in the D.C. metropolitan area).

    The ED Organizational Directory lists phone numbers, managers, and other information for ED offices. Download files Word (1.39M)

  • Media Contacts

    Reporters and education writers may contact the U.S. Department of Education press office by phone at (202) 401-1576 or by mail at U.S. Department of Education Press Office, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, 7E-247, Washington, DC 20202.

  • Where ED is located

    The Department is headquartered in Washington, D.C., where about 3,600 staff work in several buildings:

    • Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ)
      Department of Education Building
      400 Maryland Ave, SW
      Washington, DC 20202

    • Potomac Center Plaza (PCP)
      550 12th Street, SW
      Washington, DC 20202

    • Capitol Place
      555 New Jersey Ave, NW
      Washington, DC 20208

    • 1990 K Street, NW
      Washington, DC 20006

    • Union Center Plaza (UCP)
      830 1st Street, NE
      Washington, DC 20202

    • L'Enfant Plaza
      490 L'Enfant Plaza, SW, Room 2100A
      Washington, DC 20202

    Another 1,400 staff work in ED's ten regional offices. These staff help represent ED's goals and views in their region, particularly in the areas of student financial assistance, civil rights enforcement, vocational rehabilitation services, and audits and investigations.

    The Department's U.S. Postal Service mailing address is:

    U.S. Department of Education
    400 Maryland Avenue, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20202

  • Federal Student Aid Payments

    If you have a Direct Student Loan and are sending in a payment, do not use the address above. If your loan is in "good standing" (not in default), click here and use the address in Atlanta, GA. If your student loan is in default, please call 1-800-621-3115 to obtain the correct address.

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Last Modified: 07/01/2011