Governor Brewer's Office of Economic Recovery

State Agencies

Agency Contact Info
Chad Kirkpatrick, State CIO & GITA Director
phone: 602-364-4799

Galen Updike - GITA 
phone: 602-364-4794

Rosalyn Boxer - Commerce 
phone: 602-771-1185

Arizona Government Information Technology Agency (GITA)/Broadband

Agency Plan

The Government Information Technology Agency (GITA) and Arizona Department of Commerce (Commerce) have long collaborated to provide leadership and to encourage disparate statewide stakeholders to bring reliable high-speed broadband access to unserved and underserved areas of the State, for the benefit of business, public institutions and individuals. 

Now, a federal Broadband grant program will augment the State’s previous efforts.  The ARRA defines multiple funding programs administered respectively by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) - Broadband Technologies Opportunity Program (BTOP) and USDA RUS - Broadband Infrastructure Program (BIP). 

NTIA announced a separate grant opportunity to map broadband availability in each state, with the intent of creating a national broadband map from information collected by the states.  GITA was identified by Governor Brewer to be the designated mapping entity in Arizona, as required by law, and to submit the grant application on behalf of the State.  The application was submitted Aug 14th 2009, and is now in the approval process.

GITA, working with the Arizona State Land Department (ASLD), applied for a total of $4.3 million, of which $3.8 million is for mapping broadband availability and $500,000 for related broadband planning activities. Both amounts are the maximum allowed for each State under the NTIA rules.  The map will provide broadband information down to the census block level, with such detailed information a necessary component of any broadband (BTOP or BIP) grant application coming from Arizona.

GITA and Commerce will continue their leadership as applicants engage political subdivision leadership in their respective deficit areas, in order to maximize the success of the grant applications either through the BTOP or the BIP Programs.

Impact of Stimulus on Constituency

Increased broadband infrastructure in unserved and underserved communities will impact an area’s ability to grow economically, to create high tech jobs, and to provide access to a world wide network of e-Learning, e-Health, and e-Commerce and enhances access to all government services including those provided by public safety and first responders.

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Increased broadband infrastructure in unserved and underserved communities will impact an area’s ability to grow economically, to create high tech jobs, and to provide access to a world wide network of e-Learning, e-Health, and e-Commerce and enhances access to all government services including those provided by public safety and first responders.


Application, Evaluation and Decision Making Process for Award of Stimulus Funds

Three rounds of grants are anticipated with all grant awards to be announced by the end of 2010.

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The State will play a limited role in awarding of Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) grants. Per administrative rule, BTOP grant applications that pass an initial review will be sent to the Governors of each state, for further review and prioritization. For Arizona, a committee called the Arizona Broadband Advisory Council (ABAC), consisting of representatives from ten Arizona state agencies, will support the Governor completing a State review, with public comment as part of the process. Within 20 days of their receipt the Governor will return the applications to NTIA, who retains final authority regarding grant awards



Relevant Timelines and Deadlines

The first round application process ended Aug 20th. Subsequent rounds will be announced by a Notice of Funding Authority (NOFA) from the respective Federal agencies.  The most complete and up-to-date information is at the federal government internet link:

Info Regarding Assistance (Resources) Available

The following three websites are the best sources of information about the Broadband grants programs.:,, and  There are further links at these three websites where detailed information is made available.

Funds – Breakdown by Program

Funding will include broadband infrastructure, expanding public computer centers for the public, and increasing education, awareness and training.

Proposed Projects and Funded Projects

Applicants for these Broadband Grant funds are not required to inform the State regarding the details of the application.  Nor are Federal Agencies receiving the Grant applications required in law to inform the States about these applications, with one area of exception.  NTIA will inform the State regarding BTOP grant applications that pass an initial screening.  

Associated Federal Agency(ies) and Links to Federal Agency Recovery Web Site

U.S. Department of Commerce NTIA:

U.S. Department of Agriculture RUS

Federal grants website