Governor Brewer's Office of Economic Recovery

Economic Indicators

When the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 was passed, states were informed that the Act would be implemented with an unprecedented level of transparency and accountability to educate taxpayers about the impact of economic stimulus spending.

Therefore, the Governor’s Office of Economic Recovery feels it is important to show how the distribution of Recovery Act dollars compares to geographic patterns of economic distress to show the impact on areas such as unemployment and foreclosure rates for each county in the State of Arizona.

To begin viewing the information by category, please click on the navigation menu on the left.



Data Sources: Microsoft Stimulus360 (Centralized Reporting Solution used to submit ARRA Section 1512 data to Foreclosure Data by County information supplied by DataQuick. Other data sources include the Arizona Department of Commerce and Google.

Disclaimer: Information on this site only contains monies coming through the State of Arizona, NOT monies sent from federal agencies to direct recipients such as cities, towns, counties, military bases, forest services, etc. For information on ALL of Arizona, please visit . All data is based upon “sub-award” data. Details of “sub-awards” are only reported when the total amount expended for a sub-recipient or vendor is equal to or greater than $25,000. Therefore, some data will not depicted in these numbers.