Newsletters and Journals from ED

  • ED Review — bi-weekly update on ED activities.

  • Education Innovator — promising innovations in education.

  • ED RSS — daily feed of ED news, funding, and teaching resources.

  • OVAE Connection — research, evaluation, and technical assistance on career and technical education, adult education, and community colleges.

  • PreventionED — updates on substance abuse and violence prevention education issues, legislation, and funding opportunities.

  • Education Research News — education research, evaluation, and statistics..

  • Research e-News — newsletter of the Institute of Education Sciences.

  • School Turnaround Newsletter — resources for turning around low-performing schools.

  • Superintendent Monthly — updates on policy, research, grants, and more.

  • Thursday Notes — technical assistance information, and adult education and literacy news.

  • Touching Base — newsletter for the military community.

Archived newsletters

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Last Modified: 06/14/2011