Hazardous Substance Superfund
Total Stimulus Appropriation: $600,000,000

New Jersey’s portion: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced on Wednesday, April 16, up to $160 million in new funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for eight Superfund sites in New Jersey. The money will be used to start new cleanup projects or continue remedial work already underway at the sites. This Recovery Act funding is part of the $600 million that Congress appropriated to the Federal Superfund remedial program.

The eight sites and the range of funding to be made available for site cleanup work are:

  1. Cornell Dublier (South Plainfield) -- $25 million;
  2. Emmell’s Landfill (Galloway) -- $1-$5 million;
  3. Horseshoe Road (Sayreville) -- up to $5 million;
  4. Imperial Oil (Marlboro) -- $10-$25 million;
  5. Price Landfill (Pleasantville & Egg Harbor) -- $10-$25 million;
  6. Roebling Steel (Florence) -- $25 million;
  7. Vineland Chemical (Vineland) --$10-$25 million; and,
  8. Welsbach/General Gas Mantle (Camden and Gloucester City) -- $25 million.
Allocation method: EPA focused the stimulus funds at National Priorities List (NPL) sites with unfunded construction projects and at NPL sites with existing construction projects that could benefit from additional funding. Key considerations for selecting the Recovery Act projects included the readiness of the project to obligate and expend the stimulus funds quickly; opportunities for immediate short- and longer-term health and environmental benefits; opportunities to reduce project costs and schedules; and environmental justice concerns and benefits.
Program Overview
The federal Superfund Program is administered by EPA. The program provides funding to clean up environmental pollutants from contaminated sites. The program works on a “polluter pays” principle, so EPA first tries to get private parties to do the necessary work. Unfortunately, the polluter is often unable or unwilling to do the required work. In that event, the program has a fund, or “Superfund”, that EPA can use to do the work. EPA works with the Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) through an Interagency Agreement to get the work done. The ACOE in turn uses “pre-placed” contractors. These contractors are hired through competitive bids for national contracts. The contracts are not site specific but are for a certain term or level of effort with set prices for time and materials. Work at individual sites is paid using the set prices for time and materials in the contract.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act increases the “Superfund” by $600 million for remedial programs. That is about double the annual appropriation for construction projects. Unlike other EPA programs in the Act, the cost share provision was not waived. Therefore, the State will have to provide a 10 percent match. Currently New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) authorized more than $7 million in Corporate Business Tax funds, which are constitutionally dedicated for contaminated site cleanups, to provide match payments when needed for stimulus site work.
Federal Requirements and Restrictions
The funding is limited to remedial program funding. This would exclude funding for the removal and emergency programs.
Program Eligibility
For a contaminated site to be eligible for remedial funding, it must be included on the National Priorities List. Inclusion on the list requires federal rulemaking which takes several months, so it’s unlikely that a “new” site will be identified, listed, and funded with stimulus money. 
Project Prioritization
EPA prioritized funding for the eight sites chosen using a panel of senior employees and internal guidelines. The eight sites are either currently in the remedial construction phase with additional work necessary or remedial construction will begin for the first time at the site.
Important Program Dates
EPA announced the eight New Jersey sites receiving funding under ARRA on April 16. Superfund State Contracts have been signed for all eight sites between EPA and DEP documenting remedial action projects to be conducted.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. How will the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) help New Jersey?

A1. ARRA funding will be used to clean up Superfund sites in New Jersey to address contaminated soil and ground water. The remedial actions will make those communities where cleanups are conducted safer for residents and provide a cleaner and healthier environment for flora and fauna to thrive. Companies performing the work also will hire many workers to conduct the cleanups and have a presence in each community throughout the on-site remediation helping local economies.

Q2. Who will perform the cleanup work?

A2. The EPA will work with DEP to oversee the cleanups. The Army Corps of Engineers, which manages cleanup construction projects for EPA, hires term contractors to perform work at Superfund sites. DEP normally matches 10 percent of federal dollars put toward cleanup costs at Superfund sites, and this cost share agreement will continue under the ARRA plan.

Q3. What Superfund sites will receive funding from ARRA?

A3. EPA developed a list of eight New Jersey sites that require cleanup funds to advance remedial projects ready to begin.

Q4. How can I contact EPA or DEP to work on the cleanup projects?

A4. Engineering and environmental contractors can work through term contractors who are already working with the Army Corps of Engineers. There may be opportunities for subcontracting. Interested contractors should contact the regional offices of the Army Corps of Engineers in Philadelphia (215-656-6515) and New York (917-790-8702) for information on subcontracting opportunities for sites in New Jersey.

Q5. I am a resident and want to get involved in how EPA and DEP spend the ARRA money, what should I do?

A5. If a particular site selected for funding is located in your community, there may be an existing community advisory group that allows you to participate with them, as well as additional opportunities to get involved. You can contact EPA Region II at 212-637-4420, then, ask to speak with a Remedial Project Manager assigned to the site to obtain information on how to get involved.

Q6. I’m a local official and want to get involved in ARRA projects, how do I work with EPA and DEP?

A6. Local officials with sites selected to receive ARRA funds can contact EPA Region II at 212-637-4420, then, ask to speak with a Remedial Project Manager assigned to the site to obtain information on how to get involved. DEP also may be contacted at 609-984-3074 as noted in the contact information provided. Public outreach on remedial action projects is required under the Superfund program; hence, local officials can help facilitate contact with community members living near or affected by the sites slated for cleanup funds.