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What is the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

On February 17, 2009 President Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). The act represents a significant investment in our country´s future in the face of the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. The White House predicts that the ARRA will create or save three to four million jobs, 90 percent of them in the private sector.

The act provides a total of $789.5 billion in spending and tax cuts over two years. According to the White House the money is distributed like this:

$288 billion ­ Tax Relief
$144 billion ­ State and Local Fiscal Relief
$111 billion ­ Infrastructure and Science
$81 billion ­ Protecting the Vulnerable
$59 billion ­ Health Care
$53 billion ­ Education and Training
$43 billion ­ Energy
$8 billion ­ Other


How much money is coming to North Carolina?

North Carolina is certain to receive billions of dollars from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. However, it is currently unclear how much North Carolina will receive after all is finished. Many of the funding formulas have not been finalized and the act also injects additional money into the state through targeted tax cuts, additional grants from federal agencies and direct funding for specific federal programs in the state.

$225 billion of the $789.5 billion total will be awarded to states based on funding formulas. We estimate that North Carolina will receive $6.1 billion of the $225 billion total or about 2.7%.


How do I use this Web site? will ensure that North Carolina´s portion of the federal stimulus dollars are spent efficiently with transparency and accountability. Here you can find information about the federal legislation, its impact on North Carolina, and you can read about the North Carolina Office of Economic Recovery and Investment.

In the coming weeks you will also be able to track how stimulus money is being spent, suggest projects for funding, learn how to apply for funds, among other things.


What is the role of the Office of Economic Recovery and Investment?

The Governor´s Economic Recovery and Investment Office will coordinate and track North Carolina´s handling of federal stimulus funds as well as state-level economic recovery initiatives.

Specifically, the office will:

  • Track all federal dollars flowing into state and local governments as well as to private businesses and non-profit organizations.
  • Maximize the state´s use of available federal stimulus funds.
  • Identify the most rapid ways to move the stimulus money into the economy and remove regulatory and other impediments.
  • Establish open and effective lines of communication with federal and state agencies, local governments and North Carolina´s Congressional delegation to assist in efforts to effectively and rapidly use the federal stimulus funds.
  • Develop a communications network, using a variety of tools including the Internet, to keep the public informed about the status and progress of the recovery effort, along with funding opportunities.
  • Report to the General Assembly and the citizens on a regular basis about the status of the use of the stimulus funds, including federal, state and other non-federal money.
  • Measure progress of the recovery effort by tracking the state´s economic condition.


Who is in charge of the Office of Economic Recovery and Investment?

On February 17, 2009 Governor Perdue tapped Dempsey Benton to lead the Office of Economic Recovery and Investment.

Benton served as secretary of the state Department of Health and Human Services from August 2007 to January 2009. Before that he was chief deputy secretary of the state Environment and Natural Resources Department from 2001 until January 2007. Prior to joining state government Benton served as Raleigh city manager from 1983 to 2000 and as the city´s assistant manager from 1974 to 1983.

This temporary office will be assisted by staff in the governor´s office and designated representatives from the various state agencies responsible for administering or distributing the federal stimulus funds.


What is the timeline?

Federal agencies will be establishing dates and deadlines for delivering funds, contracts, and reporting. Go to to learn more. Updates will be posted on this website when they become available.


How can North Carolina residents be sure that the funds are spent efficiently?

The ARRA has outlined numerous requirements to ensure that the stimulus package money is spent both wisely and efficiently. The accountability requirements include:

  • Deadlines to ensure that funds are spent in a timely manner
  • Transparency to the public
  • Continual oversight and monitoring to reduce waste and the mismanagement of funds.
  • Specific program outcomes and goals.

This website will report many of these requirements to ensure transparency and accountability. Check back later for more information.


Where can I find information about potential jobs?

Please see the employment resources at the Employment Security Commission where you can find job fair listings, government jobs, and links to private sector job databases.

Another good resource is the training opportunities through the North Carolina Community College System where you can start moving to a new career.

If you are interested in more higher education opportunities through distance education, like completing your college degree or getting a professional certificate, please visit the University of North Carolina Online at


Where can I find information on individual and family tax cuts and tax incentives?

There are a number of new tax cuts and tax incentives as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. They include:

  • First-Time Homebuyer Credit Expands
  • Payroll Checks Increase This Spring.
  • $250 for Social Security Recipients, Veterans and Railroad Retirees.
  • Money Back for New Vehicle Purchases.

The IRS explains the impact on federal taxes. The impact on North Carolina taxes will be determined during the current legislative session.


copyright © 2009 State of North Carolina, Office of Economic Recovery & Investment

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