Governor Brewer's Office of Economic Recovery

Preliminary Stimulus Allocations - Arizona | 11/06/09 (Revised)


($ in thousands)

All numbers are preliminary and are subject to change.

Where is Your Money Going?
(Arizona Allocations)

Where is Your Money Going.

 1 SFSF AHCCCS $2,244,237
 2 ADOT Education $1,628,366
 3 Housing State Fiscal Stabilization Fund $1,016,955
 4 DES DES $683,647
 5 AHCCCS ADOT $622,520
 6 Education Commerce/Energy $182,525
 7 ADEQ/WIFA Housing $153,343
 8 ADHS ADEQ/WIFA $101,224
 9 DPS Veteran Services $39,256
10 Commerce/Energy DPS $30,122
11 Other ADHS $13,273
12 SFSF Children Youth and Family $10,777
13 SFSF Other $2,059
TOTAL $6,728,304

Recipient: ADOT Award Amount
(U.S. Dollars)
Highways & Bridges                 521,958
Public Transit Formula 99,922
Rail Modernization (Fixed Guideway) 640
Total 622,520.00

Recipient: Housing Award Amount
(U.S. Dollars)
Public Housing Capital Fund               12,068
Tax Credit Assistance Program (HOME) 32,308
Homelessness Prevention 22,084
CDBG Entitlement 11,239
CDBG Non-Entitlement 3,199
Project Based Rental Assistance 15,389
Native American Housing Block Grant 53,844
Lead Hazard Reduction 3,212
Total 153,343.00

Recipient: DES Award Amount
(U.S. Dollars)
Capital Improvement               16,128
Centers for Independing Living 1,782
Child Care 50,877
Child Support Enforcement 22,067
Community Service for Older Americans 316
Community Services BG 8,266
Dislocated Workers 17,403
Elderly Nutrition Congregate 1,335
Elderly Nutrition Home-Delivered 657
Employment Service 7,023
Foster Care/ Adoption 20,284
Independent Living 281
Living Independently- Older Individuals Who Are Blind 722
SNAP Admin 2009 Only 3,363
SNAP Admin 2010 Only 3,398
SNAP Administration 6,761
SNAP Benefits 381,000
TAA Supplemental Distribution 2,729
TANF Emergency Fund 100,116
TEFAP Administration 992
TEFAP Commodities 1979
UI State Admin. 10,721
Watershed Rehabilitation -
Watershed-Flood & Prevention Operations -
WIA Adult 7,616
WIA Youth 17,831
Total 683,647.00

Recipient: State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Award Amount
(U.S. Dollars)
Education                 831,869
General Purpose 185,086
Total 1,016,955.00

Recipient: Education Award Amount
(U.S. Dollars)
Title I  
Grants to LEAs
  School Improvement
Special Education  
  Part B
  Part B-Preschool
  Part C
Voc. Rehab. 13,086
Ed. Tech. 12,454
McKinney-Vento (Ed for Homeless) 1,618
School Lunch Equipment 2,209
Work Study 2,189
Pell Grants 1,139,700
Impact Aid 7,189
Total 1,628,366.00

Recipient: ADEQ/WIFA Award Amount
(U.S. Dollars)
Drinking Water SRF 55,340
Clean Water SRF 26,737
Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) 3,219
Rural Development Water & Environmental Program 15,928
Total 101,224.00

Recipient: Commerce/Energy Award Amount
(U.S. Dollars)
Weatherization 57,023
State Energy Program 55,447
Energy Efficient Appliance Rebate 6,237
Energy Efficiency Block Grant- State 9,594
Energy Efficiency Block Grant- Local 54,224
Total 182,525.00

Recipient: AHCCCS Award Amount
(U.S. Dollars)
Medicaid FMAP 2009 796,917
Medicaid FMAP 2010/11 1,215,887
Medicaid FMAP 2010 only 223,923
Medicaid DSH 5,021
DSH 2009 Only 2,489
Total 2,244,237.00

Recipient: ADHS Award Amount
(U.S. Dollars)
Health Centers-Increased Demand 5,631
Health Centers-New Access Point 3,900
Immunization 3,742
Total 13,273.00

Recipient: DPS Award Amount
(U.S. Dollars)
Crime Victims Assistance 930
Crime Victims Compensation 293
Internet Crimes Against Children 824
Violence Against Women 2768
Byrne/JAG - State Only 25307
Total 30,122.00

Recipient: Children, Youth and Families Award Amount
(U.S. Dollars)
Head Start 10152
AmeriCorps 625
Total 10,777.00

Recipient: Veteran Services Award Amount
(U.S. Dollars)
VA State Extended Care Facilities 19,035
Veterans Affairs Medical Facilities 19,869
Veterans Affairs National Cemetary 352
Total 39,256.00

Recipient: Other Award Amount
(U.S. Dollars)
National Endowment for the Arts
Emergency Food & Shelter
Total 2,059.00