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Education & Research Provisions
(updated 8.03.2009)

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State Incentive Grants - (Formula Driven Grant)
(National Appropriation: $5,000,000,000)
Description: As part of the Fiscal Stabilization Fund, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provides $5 billion in order to award grants from the United States Department of Education to states that improve teacher effectiveness, establish longitudinal data systems, enhance academic standards and assessments, and support struggling schools.
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Innovation Fund - (Competitive Grants)
(National Appropriation: $650,000,000)
Description: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provides that the Secretary of Education has discretion to award innovation grants to local education agencies or partnerships between non-profit organizations and local educational agencies or schools, so that grantees can expand their work, partner with private sector and philanthropic community organizations, and document best practices. Specifies that the $200 million be used for a national evaluation of performance-based teacher and principal compensation systems in high need schools.
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Eligible Entities: School Districts, Higher Ed,
Federal Website: Department of Education

Race to the Top Incentive Grants - (Competitive Grant)
(National Appropriation: $4,350,000,000)
CFDA#: 84.395
Description: Support State plans for and progress on the objectives in four reform areas: teacher effectiveness and inequities in the distribution of highly qualified teachers; rigorous college- and career-ready standards and assessments; targeted, intensive support and effective interventions to turn around struggling schools; and pre-K-through-college-and-career data systems.
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Education and Human Resources - (Funds based on in-house proposals. Money will be awarded by: Sept. 30, 2009)
(National Appropriation: $100,000,000)
CFDA#: 47.082
Description: This program provides grants for universities to attract math and science teachers, and also provides grants to improve match and science in K-12 schools. Funds will be dispersed as follows: 60% for Robert Noyce teacher Scholarship Program; 25% for Math and Science partnerships Program; 15% for Professional Science Master's Programs. more information

Federal Website: National Science Foundation

Head Start
(National Appropriation: $1,000,000,000; Alabama Appropriation: $12,394,000)
CFDA#: 93.708
Description: This program provides funding for education, health, nutrition, and social/emotional development services for low-income children. This program will be funded through a pre-existing formula.
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Eligible Entities: Local Government, Non-Profit Organizations, Schools or School Districts
State Agency: Department of Children's Affairs
State Contact: Linda Hampton
Email Address: Linda.Hampton@dca.alabama.gov

Federal Agency: Dept. of Health and Human Services

Education for the Disadvantaged - (Formula Driven Grant)
(National Appropriation: $13,000,000,000; Alabama Appropriation: $208,961,000)
Description: This program provides Title I funds for targeted grants to local education agencies for the education of the disadvantaged. These funds will be allocated based on existing formulas. Funding to school districts and schools with high numbers/percentages of children who are disadvantaged to support supplemental educational services, to ensure all children have equal opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach maximum proficiency on achievement standards. Public school district must have 2% poverty to be eligible.
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Eligible Entities: Schools or School Distircts
State Website: Department of Education
State Contact: Deann Stone
Email Address: dstone@ALSDE.edu

Federal Agency: Department of Education

School Improvement Grants - (Formula Driven Grants)
(National Appropriation: $650,000,000)
Description: The stimulus package provides additional funds to states for sub-grants to local educational agencies and local entities pursuant to the Enhancing Education through technology program. Provide school districts with additional funds to develop and improve efforts to support Title I Schools Identified for Improvement. Funded districts must allocated $50,000 and no more than $500,000 to each Title I SIFI.
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Eligible Entities: Schools or School Districts
State Website: Department of Education
State Contact: Deann Stone
Email: dstone@ALSDE.edu
Federal Website: Department of Education

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B - (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriations: $11,300,000,000; Total Alabama Appropriation for all IDEA grants: $193,926,000)
CFDA#: 84.391
Description: The purpose of the Special Education Grants to States program, as authorized under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), is to provide grants to help States, outlying areas, freely associated States and the Department of the Interior to ensure a free, appropriate public education for children with disabilities that meets challenging standards and prepares them for higher education, employment, and independent living.
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State Agency: Alabama Dept. of Education
State Contact:
Mabrey Whetstone

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B Preschool Grants- (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriations: $400,000,000; Total Alabama Appropriation for all IDEA grants: $193,926,000)
CFDA#: 84.392
Description: The Preschool Grants program provides formula grants to States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico to provide special education and related services for children with disabilities aged 3 through 5. States may include children experiencing developmental delays and 2-year olds who will turn 3 during the school year.
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State Agency: Alabama Dept. of Education
State Contact:
Mabrey Whetstone

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part C- (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriations: $500,000,000; Total Alabama Appropriation for all IDEA grants: $193,926,000)
CFDA#: 84.393
Description: The Grants for Infants and Families program (Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) awards formula grants to States to assist them to implement statewide systems of coordinated, comprehensive, multidisciplinary, interagency programs and make early intervention services available to all eligible children with disabilities aged birth through 2 and their families.
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State Agency: Alabama Dept. of Education
State Contact:
Mabrey Whetstone

Teacher Incentive Fund
(National Appropriation: $200,000,000)
Description: This program provides funding for states and school districts to develop and implement innovative principal and teacher compensation models. Funding to improve student achievement by increasing teacher and principal effectiveness, reforming compensation so teachers/principals are rewarded for student achievement, increasing the number of effective teachers teaching poor, minority and disadvantaged students in hard-to-staff subjects.
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Federal Website: Department of Eduacation

Institution of Education Sciences - (Competitive Grants)
(National Appropriation: $250,000,000)
Description: This program provides additional funding for competitive grants to state educational agencies for statewide longitudinal data systems. Funds may be used for statewide data systems that include postsecondary and workforce information, of which $5 million may be used for state data coordinators and for awards to public or private organizations or agencies to improve data coordination.
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Education Technology
(National Appropriation: $650,000,000; Alabama Appropriation: $10,490,000)
Description: This program will provide Title II funds to improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in elementary and secondary schools. This funds will be provided to states through an existing formula. States are encouraged to use 40% of the allocated funds for middle school and high school. This program will be administered by the Alabama Department of Education and funds will be distributed to local education agencies.
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Eligible Entities: Local Government, Schools or School Districts, State and Tribal Governments
State Agency: Alabama Department of Education
State Contact: Melinda Maddox
Contact Email: mmaddox@ALSDE.edu

Federal Website: Department of Education

Higher Education and Research Institutions  [ back to top ]
Economic Development Assistance Programs - (Competitive Grant)
(National Appropriation: $150,000,000)
Description: This provision creates a program to leverage private investment for economic development projects with priority on economically distressed areas. These funds will be provided from the Economic Development Administration directly to regional economic development commissions. Funding to promote comprehensive, entrepreneurial and innovation-based economic development efforts to enhance the competitiveness of regions, resulting in increased private investment and higher-skill, higher-wage jobs in regions experiencing substantial and persistent economic distress. Funding to promote comprehensive, entrepreneurial and innovation-based economic development efforts to enhance the competitiveness of regions, resulting in increased private investment and higher-skill, higher-wage jobs in regions experiencing substantial and persistent economic distress.
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Federal Website: Department of Commerce
Rural Development Broadband Program - (Competitive Grant)

CFDA#: 10.886
Description: The Rural Development Broadband Program supports the expansion of broadband service in rural areas through financing and grants to projects that provide access to high speed service to facilitate economic development in locations without sufficient access to such service.
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National Telecommunications and Information Administration Broadband Technology Opportunity Program - (Competitive Grants)
(National Appropriation: $4,700,000,000)
CFDA#: 11.557
Description: The stimulus package provides funding to develop and maintain wireless and broadband infrastructure to service underserved and underserved areas.
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State Contact: Kathy Johnson
Email: Kathy.Johnson@governor.alabama.gov
Phone: 334-353-8760

List of Competitive Grants
    - Infrastructure Grants - Funding to improve service in underserved and underserved areas.
        (Federal Amount: $3,900,000,000)
        CFDA#: 11.557

        State Contact: Kathy Johnson
        Email: Kathy.Johnson@governor.alabama.gov
        Phone: 334-353-8760

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    - Sustainable Adoption Grants - Funding for innovative programs to encourage sustainable adoption of broadband service.
        (Federal Amount: $250,000,000)
        CFDA#: 11.557

        State Contact: Kathy Johnson
        Email: Kathy.Johnson@governor.alabama.gov
        Phone: 334-353-8760

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    - Public Computing Centers - Funding for public computer centers at community colleges and libraries
        (Federal Amount: $200,000,000)
        CFDA#: 11.557

        State Contact: Kathy Johnson
        Email: Kathy.Johnson@governor.alabama.gov
        Phone: 334-353-8760

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Scientific and Technical Research Services - (Competitive Construction Grant Program)
(National Appropriation: $180,000,000)
APPLICATION DEADLINE: A Letter of Intent is required and must be received no later than 3 p.m. EST on June 25, 2009. A corresponding full proposal must be received no later than 3 p.m. EST on August 10, 2009. Please click here for more information.
Description: This program provides grants for energy efficiency, environmental, and renewable technology research. The project will consist of a competitive construction grant program for funding science research facilities outside of National Institute of Standards and Technology.
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Federal Website: Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Construction of Research Facilities
(National Appropriation: $360,000,000)
Description: This program provides funding to finance the maintenance, renovation, and new construction of research facilities. $180 million will fund a competitive construction program for research science buildings.
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National Aeronautics and Space Administration - (Competitive Grants)
(National Appropriation: $1,000,000,000)
Description: This program provides funding for research and development, disaster assistance, and climate change programs. NASA will be providing grant opportunities for equipment and systems development in several areas including aeronautics, space exploration, physical science, and cross-agency support.
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National Science Foundation: Research and Related Activities
(National Appropriation: $2,500,000,000)
Description: The stimulus package provides the National Science Foundation ("NSF") with funding for "research and related activities." The NSF will have significant discretion in channeling the expenditure of these funds. Research related to improvements in energy efficiency, transmission, regulation and storage of electricity for use on military installations, including research on renewables.
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Eligible Entities: Businesses, Individuals, State Government
Federal Website: National Science Foundation

Renewable Energy Research and Development - Large Wind Turbine Drivetrain Testing Facility (Competitive Grant)
(National Appropriation: $45,000,000)
CFDA#: 81.087
Description: This Funding Opportunity Announcement is for the design and construction of a large dynamometer facility for testing 5 to 15 MW rated drivetrains, with supporting systems, and the operation and maintenance of these facilities for the benefit of wind stakeholders nationwide. The proposed facility can be new construction or involve the design and modification of an existing building suitable for electrical, mechanical, and other physical needs associated with a dynamometer test stand.
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Education and Human Resources - (Funds based on in-house proposals. Money will be awarded by: Sept. 30, 2009)
(National Appropriation: $100,000,000)
Description: This program provides grants for universities to attract math and science teachers, and also provides grants to improve match and science in K-12 schools. Funds will be dispersed as follows: 60% for Robert Noyce teacher Scholarship Program; 25% for Math and Science partnerships Program; 15% for Professional Science Master's Programs. more information

Federal Website: National Science Foundation

Student Financial Assistance
(National Appropriation: $200,000,000; Alabama Appropriation: $3,269,000)
Description: This program provides funding for grants to institutions of higher education to assist in the operation of work-study programs under the Higher Education Act. A Federal Pell Grant does not have to be repaid. The ARRA increases the max Pell Grant award to $5,350 and provides additional funding to support these grant awards.
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Federal Website: Department of Labor

Training Grants for Green Jobs and Emerging Industry Sectors - (Competitive Grant)
(National Appropriation: $750,000,000)
CFDA#: 17.275
Description: The Recovery Act appropriated funds for a program of competitive training grants for worker training and placement in green jobs and high growth and emerging industry sectors, with emphasis on careers in energy efficiency and renewable energy.
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List of Competitive Grants -
    - Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors
        (Federal Amount: $50,000,000)
        CFDA#: 17.275

Description: The Department of Labor (DOL) announces the availability of approximately $50 million in grant funds for the Workforce Agencies of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and U.S. Territories, or a consortium of such agencies, to collect, analyze, and disseminate labor market information, and to enhance the labor exchange infrastructure for careers within the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries. The eligible applicant for this grant solicitation is the State Workforce Agency, as States are expected to use workforce and labor market information and data as the foundation on which to build and implement effective workforce development strategies. This SGA encourages collaborative approaches, whereby multiple States apply as a consortium to conduct research that may potentially have a multi-State or national impact. ETA intends to fund individual State grants ranging from approximately $750,000 to $1,250,000. Individual grant awards to consortium applicants will range from $2 to $4 million, contingent upon an adequate justification of proposed project needs and the availability of resources.

    - Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors - Energy Training Partnership Grants
        (Federal Amount: $100,000,000)
        CFDA#: 17.275

Description:  Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the Recovery Act), DOL announces the availability of approximately $100 million in grant funds to 20-30 projects ranging from approximately $2 to $5 million each. Projects will provide training and placement services in the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries for workers impacted by national energy and environmental policy, individuals in need of updated training related to the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries, and unemployed workers. Proposed projects must be developed and implemented through strategic partnerships. Energy Training Partnership funds are intended to provide training for workers that prepares them to enter the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries, as well as green occupations within other industries, as described in the Supplementary Information: Part B of this SGA. Individuals eligible for training include workers impacted by national energy and environmental policy, individuals in need of updated training related to the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries, and unemployed workers. A portion of the funds under this SGA will be reserved (as described in Section II, Award Information) for projects serving communities impacted by automotive-related restructuring.

    - Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors - Green Capacity Building Grants
        (Federal Amount: $5,000,000)
        CFDA#: 17.275

Description: The Department of Labor (DOL) announces the availability of approximately $5 million in grant funds for projects that build the capacity of DOL-funded training programs to ensure that targeted groups are prepared to meet the needs of our country's expanding green industries. Only active DOL-funded grantees (eligible grantees specified in the SGA) are eligible to apply. Specifically, this SGA supports capacity building for organizations to provide training for entry-level positions leading to career pathways and/or additional training in the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries. The Department expects to award between 50 and 100 grants under this competition, providing awards ranging from $50,000 to $100,000.

    - Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors - Pathways Out of Poverty
        (Federal Amount: $150,000,000)
        CFDA#: 17.275

Description: The Department of Labor (DOL) announces the availability of approximately $150 million in grant funds authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the Recovery Act) for projects that provide training and placement services to provide pathways out of poverty and into employment within the industries described in the Supplementary Information, Part B of this SGA. Grantees selected from two separate types of applicants will be funded through this solicitation: (1) national nonprofit entities with networks of local affiliates, coalition members, or other established partners; and (2) local entities. Additional specific eligibility guidance is included in Section III.A, “Eligible Applicants and Required Partnerships.” ETA intends to fund grants ranging from approximately $3 to $8 million for national grantees, and grants ranging from approximately $2 to $4 million for local grantees.

    - Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors - State Energy Sector Partnership (SESP) and Training Grants
        (Federal Amount: $190,000,000)
        CFDA#: 17.275

Description: The Department of Labor (DOL) announces the availability of approximately $190 million in grant funds to State Workforce Investment Boards of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories. In order to highlight the important role States play in building a national green economy, the Department is investing in workforce sector strategies that target energy efficiency and renewable energy industries. DOL encourages a strategic planning process that aligns the Governor’s overall workforce vision, State energy policies, and local and regional training activities that lead to employment in targeted industry sectors. This strategic planning process is an opportunity to develop a statewide energy sector strategy through a comprehensive partnership and development of a Sector Plan. If an energy sector strategy is currently in place, that strategy should be reviewed and evaluated to address the requirements of this funding opportunity. As a result of this Solicitation for Grant Application (SGA), the Department is fostering the development of a national workforce that is ready to meet the demands of the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries. A portion of the funds under this SGA will be reserved for communities or regions undergoing auto industry related restructurings. The eligible applicants for this SGA are State Workforce Investment Boards in partnership with their State Workforce Agency, local Workforce Investment Boards or regional consortia of Boards, and One Stop Career Center delivery systems. ETA intends to fund grants ranging from approximately $2 to $6 million

Community College and Career Training Grants
(National Appropriation: $90,000,000)
Description: The stimulus package authorizes the United States Department of Labor to award Community College and Career Training Grants to eligible institutions. Institutions are eligible for only one grant, not to exceed $1,000,000. In order to be eligible for a grant, the institution must demonstrate that it has reached out to employers to indentify any shortcomings in existing training opportunities within the community.
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Federal Pell Grants - (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriation: $24,700,000,000)
CFDA#: 84.063
Description: The Federal Pell Grant program helps ensure access to postsecondary education for low- and middle-income undergraduate students by providing grants that, in combination with other sources of student aid, help meet postsecondary education costs. The program also promotes lifelong learning by encouraging low-income adults now in the workplace to return to school to upgrade their skills.
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Enhancing Education Through Technology - (Formula Grants)
(National Appropriation: $650,000,000)
CFDA#: 84.318
Description: This program will provide Title II funds to improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in elementary and secondary schools. These funds will be provided to states through an existing formula. States are encouraged to use 40% of the allocated funds for middle school and high school. This program will be administered by the Alabama Department of Education and funds will be distributed to local education agencies
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State Agency: Alabama Dept. of Education
State Contact: Melinda Maddox
Email: mmaddox@ALSDE.edu

Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction - (Competitive Grants)
(National Appropriation: $400,000,000)
CFDA#: 47.082
Description: This program makes funding available to colleges and universities through competitive grants for the acquisition of research equipment. The program is designed to make research instruments more accessible to higher education, non-profit organizations and research museums to expand scientific knowledge. Proposals can be for a single instrument or for numerous instruments but all must be too costly for the entity to acquire on their own. Grants can also be for upgrades to existing facilities or new construction.
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Federal Website: National Science Foundation

Energy Research and Development

(National Appropriation: $2,500,000,000)
Description: This provision will fund energy research and development including biomass projects, geothermal activities and projects, and communications technology.
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Statewide Data Systems - (Competitive Grant)
(National Appropriation: Unknown)
CFDA#: 84.372
Description: The purpose of assistance under this program is to enable State educational agencies to design, develop, and implement statewide, longitudinal data systems to efficiently and accurately manage, analyze, disaggregate and use individual student data. In addition, the program supports awards to organizations to improve data coordination.
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Fossil Energy
(National Appropriation: $3,400,000,000)
CFDA#: 81.089
Description: The stimulus package provides grants to local governments, universities, non-profits and businesses for carbon capture and sequestration demonstration projects. Four funding opportunities for improving techniques to clean or capture and store the emissions from coal-fired plants and other industrial sources.
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Applicants must apply with the Department of Energy directly.
Federal Website: Department of Energy

Workforce Investment Act Funding- Adults & Dislocated Workers - (Formula Driven Grant)
(National Appropriation: $500,000,000; Alabama Appropriation: $4,450,000)
CFDA#: 17.258 (Adults) & 17.26 (Dislocated Workers)
Description: This program will provide funds for grants to state and local governments for adult intensive training services under the Work Force Investment Act. Priority will be given to recipients of public assistance and other low-income individuals. The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult program increases the employment, retention and earnings of unemployed and employed adults registered under the program. Under the Recovery Act, local areas are required to give low-income persons and public assistance recipient’s priority of service in the Adult program. Funds are distributed by formula to states, and then local workforce areas, which operate One-Stop Career Centers that provide comprehensive services to workers and employers.
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State Website: Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs
State Email: q&agrastp@dpe.edu

Federal Website: Department of Labor
Workforce Investment Act Funding- Native Americans - (Formula Driven Grant)
(National Appropriation: $17,800,000)
CFDA#: 17.259
Description: The Indian and Native American Supplemental Youth Services Program (SYSP) provides summer and year-round employment and training activities for Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian individuals between the ages of 14 and 24. The goal of the SYSP is to increase job placements and educational attainment. Program resources are targeted to at-risk and the neediest youth who face substantial barriers to educational and employment success.
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Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors
(National Appropriation: $500,000,000)
Description: This program provides funding for research, labor exchange, and training projects that prepare workers for careers in energy efficiency and renewable energy industries. A portion is for research, labor exchange and job training projects that prepare individuals for careers in energy efficiency and renewable energy under the Green Jobs Act of 2007.
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Federal Website: Department of Labor
Health Professional Training - National Health Service Corps
(National Appropriation: $300,000,000)
CFDA#: 93.162/93.288/93.4
Description: The objective of the NHSC Recovery Act funding is to increase public access to affordable primary health care by providing an incentive to primary health care clinicians/students to serve in underserved areas and thus increasing the number of NHSC primary health care clinician jobs.
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National Center for Research Resources
(National Appropriation: $1,300,000,000)
Description: This program provides resources for medical and scientific research throughout the United States. Moreover, this provision will provide funding for the construction, renovation, and repair of non-federal research facilities.
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National Institutes of Health - (Competitive Grant)
(National Appropriation: 10,400,000,000)
Description: The Recovery Act provides a total of $10.4 billion, all available for two years—through September 2010. We expect to spend as much as possible in FY 2009. Funding includes: $8.2 billion in support of scientific research priorities where progress can be expected in two years, $1 biliion to support Extramural Construction, Repairs and Alterations, $300 million Shared Instrumentation and other capital equipment, $500 million for NIH buildings and facilities, $400 million for Comparative Effectiveness Research
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Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund
(National Appropriation: $50,000,000)
Description: This program provides funding for the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority.
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Health Information Technology: Testing, Research and Development
(National Appropriation: Unknown)
Description: This program will provide grants to institutions of higher education for research and development related to health information technology.

Demonstration Program to Integrate Information Technology into Clinical Education
(National Appropriation: Unknown)
Description: This program provides grants to medical schools and other medical related graduate schools to carryout demonstration projects and develop academic criteria integrating EHR technology in the clinical education of health professionals.
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Capital Improvement and Maintenance: Auburn HVAC Repair, Energy Upgrade and LEED-EB Certification
(National Appropriation: $550,000)
Description: Jobs will be created to replace this Southern Research Station laboratory's antiquated and failing HVAC system and make the facility a model for energy efficiency. more information

Competitive Grants to States and Indian Tribes for the Development of Loan Programs to Facilitate the Widespread Adoption of Certified Electronic Health Record Technology - (Local Tribes Only)
(National Appropriation: Unknown)
Description: This program will award competitive grants for the establishment of programs for loans to health care providers to conduct EHR technology related activities.
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Federal Website: Department of Health and Human Services

Environmental Internships - (Competitive Grants)
(National Appropriation: $5,000,000)
CFDA#: 15.656
Description: The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service is announcing the availability of funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for habitat restoration through the National Fish Passage Program. The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act authorizes the Secretary of Interior to provide technical and financial assistance through the National Fish Passage Program to partners interested in restoring, enhancing, and managing fish and wildlife habitats. Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 additional funding is available for habitat restoration through the National Fish passage Program These Recovery Act funds are available for habitat restoration projects that address high priority aquatic habitats. Projects must provide direct benefits to Federal Trust species (i.e., migratory birds, threatened and endangered species, inter-jurisdictional fish, certain marine mammals, and species of international concern). It is a goal of the program to secure at least 50 percent of project costs from non-Service sources, but this goal applies regionally as a whole, and does not have to be achieved on a project-by-project basis. If you are interested in requesting assistance for a potential project under the National Fish Passage Program you must contact your Regional Coordinator for information about funding and technical assistance availability. A listing of Regional Fish Passage Coordinators is available at http://www.fws.gov/fisheries/fwco/fishpassage/contacts.html
Fish Passage - (Competitive Grants)
(National Appropriation: $2,800,000)
CFDA#: 15.656
Description: The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service is announcing the availability of funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for habitat restoration through the National Fish Passage Program. The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act authorizes the Secretary of Interior to provide technical and financial assistance through the National Fish Passage Program to partners interested in restoring, enhancing, and managing fish and wildlife habitats. Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 additional funding is available for habitat restoration through the National Fish passage Program These Recovery Act funds are available for habitat restoration projects that address high priority aquatic habitats. Projects must provide direct benefits to Federal Trust species (i.e., migratory birds, threatened and endangered species, inter-jurisdictional fish, certain marine mammals, and species of international concern). It is a goal of the program to secure at least 50 percent of project costs from non-Service sources, but this goal applies regionally as a whole, and does not have to be achieved on a project-by-project basis. If you are interested in requesting assistance for a potential project under the National Fish Passage Program you must contact your Regional Coordinator for information about funding and technical assistance availability. A listing of Regional Fish Passage Coordinators is available at http://www.fws.gov/fisheries/fwco/fishpassage/contacts.html

National Fish Habitat Action Plan - (Competitive Grants)
(National Appropriation: $2,000,000)
CFDA#: 15.656
Description: The U.S Fish and Wildlife Service is announcing the availability of funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for habitat restoration through the National Fish Passage Program. The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act authorizes the Secretary of Interior to provide technical and financial assistance through the National Fish Passage Program to partners interested in restoring, enhancing, and managing fish and wildlife habitats. Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 additional funding is available for habitat restoration through the National Fish passage Program These Recovery Act funds are available for habitat restoration projects that address high priority aquatic habitats. Projects must provide direct benefits to Federal Trust species (i.e., migratory birds, threatened and endangered species, inter-jurisdictional fish, certain marine mammals, and species of international concern). It is a goal of the program to secure at least 50 percent of project costs from non-Service sources, but this goal applies regionally as a whole, and does not have to be achieved on a project-by-project basis. If you are interested in requesting assistance for a potential project under the National Fish Passage Program you must contact your Regional Coordinator for information about funding and technical assistance availability. A listing of Regional Fish Passage Coordinators is available at http://www.fws.gov/fisheries/fwco/fishpassage/contacts.html

Protection of Human Health by Immunology and Vaccines (U01, U19)
(Federal Appropriation: $20,000,000)
CFDA#: 93.701
Description: Purpose. This NIH Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), supported by funds provided to the NIH under the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act or ARRA), Public Law 111-5, invites new applications from single domestic institutions, or consortia of institutions, to participate in creating a network of human immunology profiling research groups. Applications are sought that propose to study human immune responses (1) following infection, (2) prior to and following vaccination against an infectious disease, or (3) prior to and following treatment with an immune adjuvant that targets a known innate immune receptor(s). The purpose of this FOA is to capitalize on recent advances in immune profiling to measure the diversity of human immune responses under a variety of conditions, using bioinformatic, multiplex, and/or systems biology approaches to study samples from well-characterized human cohorts and to measure aspects of the human transcriptome and/or proteome. Mechanism of Support. This FOA will utilize the U01 and U19 cooperative agreement grant mechanisms. Funds Available and Anticipated Number of Awards. The NIAID intends to commit approximately $20 million in total costs (direct plus indirect costs) in fiscal year 2010, which includes support for an Infrastructure and Opportunities Fund of up to $2 million total costs in year one and up to $5 million total costs in years two through five. The Infrastructure and Opportunities Fund will support consortium infrastructure, collaborative projects, pilot projects, and new research opportunities that arise post-award. Recovery Act funds will be used to support this FOA in fiscal year 2010 only; the NIAID will provide funds for four future years (FY 2011-2014). The NIAID anticipates that 6-10 awards will be made for fiscal year 2010, pending the number and quality of applications and the availability of funds.
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Federal Agency: National Institute of Health

Energy Research and Development
(National Appropriation: $250,000,000)
CFDA#: 11.618
Description: Consistent with the Recovery Act bill and conference report, $220 million for NIST’s Scientific and Technical Research Services (STRS) account will fund Advanced Scientific Equipment, Measurement Science and Engineering Grants, Postdoctoral Research Fellowships, Measurement Science and Engineering Fellowship Program, Research Contracts, and Information Technology Infrastructure Contracts. NIST will also receive $20 million from HHS and $10 million from DoE for standards development work. more information

Title I School Improvement Grants - (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriation: Unknown)
CFDA#: 84.388
Description: State formula grants help States to (1) build their capacity to provide leadership in implementing effective school improvement strategies for local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools that have been identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring; and (2) provide resources to LEAs to support local school improvement activities, including the implementation of effective school improvement, corrective action, and restructuring plans.
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State Agency: Alabama Department of Education
State Contact: Deann Stone
Email: dstone@ALSDE.edu

Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies - (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriation: Unknown)
CFDA#: 84.389
Description: This program provides supplemental funds to local education agencies (LEAs) for schools that have high concentrations of students from low-income families to help ensure that all students reach proficiency on State assessments in reading and mathematics by the 2013-14 school year, in particular by closing longstanding achievement gaps between economically disadvantaged students and other students.
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State Agency: Alabama Department of Education
State Contact: Deann Stone
Email: dstone@ALSDE.edu

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Fiscal Stabilization Fund - (Formula Driven Grant)
(National Appropriation: $53,600,000,000; Alabama Appropriation: $729,041,000)
CFDA#: 84.394
Description: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act provides funds for grants to states based on their relative populations, for elementary, secondary, and higher education, public safety, and other government services. The Secretary of Education will award 61% of the funds to states based on their school aged populations, and the will award the remaining 39% based on each state's total population. Each state must use 81.8% of the funds for elementary, secondary and higher education. Funds to stabilize state and local government budgets in order to minimize and avoid reductions in education and other essential public services.
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National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance - (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriation: $100,000,000; Alabama Appropriation: $1,727,000)
CFDA#: 10.579
Description: This program provides additional funds for improvements in school lunch equipment distributed to the states in proportion to each state's administrative expense allocation. States must then distribute these funds via competitive grants to local school food authorities, with priority given to those schools in which at least 50 percent of students are eligible for free or reduced lunch. Grant for purchase of school food service equipment by schools participating in the National School Lunch Program. Priority will be given to schools that have 50 percent or greater students eligible for free and reduced-price meals.
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Eligible Entities: Schools or School Entities
State Agency: Department of Education
State Contact: Perry Fulton
Email Address: pfulton@ALSDE.edu

Federal Agency: US Dept. of Agriculture

Impact Aid Construction
(National Appropriation: $100,000,000)
CFDA#: 84.401
Description: The stimulus package provides that the Secretary of Education will make construction payments and will award school facility emergency and modernization grants to local educational agencies. To allow for greater participation of school districts impacted by both students whose parents are associated with the military and students residing in tribal lands. Targeted to districts that have facility projects, including those that address health and safety and ADA compliance issues. more information
Federal Website: US Dept. of Education

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance - (Formula Driven Grants)
(National Appropriation: $70,000,000; Alabama Appropriation: $1,111,000)
CFDA#: 84.387
Description: This program provides funds to each state in proportion to the number of homeless students. Each state must then award these funds as sub-grants to local educational agencies based on a competitive basis or by formula based on homeless student statistics. Focuses on removing barriers and allowing access to educational services for students who are homeless. A small number of subgrants are awarded to LEAs to develop model programs and practices for families and children who are homeless.
more information and more information
Eligible Entities: School or School Districts
State Website: Department of Education
State Contact: Deann Stone or Beth Thompson
Email: dstone@ALSDE.edu

Federal Website: National Care for Homeless Education

State Energy Programs - (Formula Grant)
(National Appropriation: $3,1000,000,000)
CFDA#: 81.041
STATE APPLICATIONS HAVE PASSED AS OF MAY 12, 2009 (8:00 PM Eastern Standard Time).
Description: These programs will provide additional funds for the Department of Energy to distribute as grants to applicant states to assist in preparing and implementing comprehensive state energy conservation plans. States will then provide sub-grants to local government, nonprofits and/or businesses. States are encouraged to use their ARRA funding not only to support current energy efficiency and renewable energy projects but also to seed sustainable programs and put in place long-term funding mechanisms such as revolving loans and energy savings performance contracting that will provide lasting benefits and lead to long-term market transformation
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Funding Mechanism: Funds are allocated to state energy offices based on a federal formula. The State of Alabama will receive $48,594,000 and allocate funds to programs based on priorities.

State Website: Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA)
State Contact: Karl Frost
Email: Karl.Frost@adeca.alabama.gov
Phone: 334-242-5322

Eligible Entities: State Government only
Federal Agency: Department of Energy
Federal Web Site: http://www.energy.gov/recovery/index.htm
Federal Amount: $3,100,000,000.00

Prevention and Wellness Fund
(National Appropriation: $1,000,000,000)
Description: This program will fund immunization and wellness programs as authorized by the Public Health Services Act. The purpose of this program is to assist state public health agencies improve surveillance for, and response to, infectious diseases by (1) strengthening epidemiologic capacity; (2) enhancing laboratory practice; (3) improving information systems; and (4) developing and implementing prevention and control strategies.  This supplemental will provide technical assistance to state health departments to make critical short-term investments that will provide for a sustainable state infrastructure on HAI prevention and significant progress toward preventing HAIs. More information
Website: Alabama Dept. of Public Health
State Contact:
Michele Jones
: 334-206-5226

Federal Website: Department of Health and Human Services

Workforce Investment Act Funding-Youth - (Formula Driven Grant)
(National Appropriation: $1,200,000,000; Alabama Appropriation: $11,800,000)
CFDA#: 17.259
Description: This program will provide funds to provide grants to states for the creation of summer youth employment opportunities and to provide GED preparation classes for out-of-school youth. These funds may not be used to fund Youth Opportunity Grants. The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Youth program serves low-income in- and out-of-school youth, including youth with disabilities, basic skills deficient youth, youth offenders, homeless and runaway youth, and other youth who may require specialized assistance to complete an educational program or to secure and hold employment. Youth are prepared for employment and post-secondary education by stressing linkages between academic and occupational learning.
more information and more information
State Website: Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs
State Email: q&agrastp@dpe.edu

Federal Website: Department of Labor

Diesel Emissions Reduction Grants
(National Appropriation: $300,000,000)
Description: This program will provide grants for projects to demonstrate the effective diesel control technologies and strategies, methods or approaches to reduce diesel emissions. These grants are available to regional, state, and local governments, nonprofit organizations, and port authorities with jurisdiction over transportation or air quality.
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State Website: Alabama Department of Environmental Management
State Contact: Dale Hurst
Email: adh@adem.state.al.us
Phone: 334-271-7882

Funding Mechanism: Competitive grants. Funding announcements EPA-ARRA-OAR-OTAQ-09-04 and EPA-ARRA-OAR-OTAQ-09-05 and available on http://www.grants.gov.

Eligible Entities:
Local Government, Non-Profit Organizations, State Government, Tribal Government 

Federal Agency:
Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Web Site:
Federal Amount:

    List of competitive grants associated with this program

    - National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance - Deadline has passed as of April 28, 2009
    - Smart Way Clean Diesel Finance - Deadline has passed as of April 28, 2009
    - National Clean Diesel Emerging Technology - Deadline has passed as of May 5, 2009
Student Aid Administration - (Competitive Grant)
(National Appropriation: $60,000,000)
CFDA#: 84.007
Description: Federal Student Aid (FSA) plays a central and essential role in America's postsecondary education community by ensuring that all eligible individuals benefit from federal financial assistance for education beyond high school. The funding provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) will increase the number of Title IV student loan servicing vehicles and improve operational performance to collect and deliver loan and grant data between program participants and the system. more information
Geological Survey: Surveys, Investigations, and Research
(National Appropriation: $140,000,000)
CFDA#: 15.807
Descriptions: USGS will support the replacement of outdated equipment used to monitor and report on earthquake activity in the U/S. and will improve the data centers and processing capabilities that generate earthquake information products and manage seismic data. These upgrades will further the development of the Advanced National Seismic System. Systems to be upgraded will include existing urban, regional and national seismic networks. Support for objectives to be completed by the resulting assistance awards will utilize funds provided under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. The USGS will follow a two-track approach for submission of proposals for Program Announcement 09HQPA0021 under ARRA. Proposals shall be submitted electronically to a U.S. Geological Survey e-mail address and one hard copy of the entire proposal must be submitted to the U.S. Geological Survey, Office of Acquisition and Grants; details for both required tracks for submittal will be provided in the Program (Full) Announcement. Both the electronic copy and the paper copy must be received by the date and time set forth for receipt of proposals in the program announcement. Failure to submit either part by the date and time specified will eliminate the application from consideration. (For example, if the electronic copy is received by the established date and time but the paper copy is not, the application will not be considered - vice versa.) In addition, the electronic copy must be submitted to the only e-mail address identified in the Program (Full) Announcement. Electronic submittal to or through any other location or means will not be acceptable. The closing date set forth in this synopsis is an estimated date. The actual closing date and time will be specified in the Program Announcement. ARRA-SE0005A
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Federal Agency: US Geological Survey

Early Head Start - (Competitive Grants)
(National Appropriation: $1,100,000,000)
CFDA#: 93.709
Description: This program provides funding for education, health, nutrition, and social/emotional development services for low-income children. Grants for family-centered services for low-income families with very young children designed to promote the development of the children, and to enable their parents to fulfill their roles as parents and to move toward self-sufficiency. Up to 10 percent goes for training and technical assistance and up to 3 percent for monitoring the operation of these programs. more information

Eligible Entities: Local Government, Non-Profit Organizations, Schools or School Districts
State Agency: Department of Children's Affairs
State Contact: Linda Hampton
Email Address: Linda.Hampton@dca.alabama.gov

Federal Agency: Dept. of Health and Human Services

Teacher Certification and Training
(National Appropriation: $100,000,000)
Description: The stimulus package provides additional funding for teacher quality enhancement grants to states and eligible partnerships on a competitive basis.
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Eligibility: Applicants must be an "eligible partner" under the Higher Education Act.

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Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Energy Efficiency Information and Communication Technology - (Competitive Grant)
(National Appropriation: $50,000,000)
CFDA#: 81.086
Description: This FOA seeks to develop new technologies to dramatically improve energy efficiency in ICT with an emphasis on new technologies that can be commercialized within the next 3 to 5 years, and to demonstrate through field testing highly energy efficient, emerging technologies that are ready for or are in the initial stage of commercial introduction. Approximately $50 million will be awarded to projects under this announcement, and all funds are expected to be expended within a 2-year period from the date of award.
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