Governor Dennis DaugaardWelcome to the State of South Dakota Web site devoted to the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The Web site is designed to inform South Dakotans about the federal stimulus spending in South Dakota.
This Web site is a "one-stop" location for information so residents can see that the stimulus money is wisely spent, what programs exist, and other information. Although the federal stimulus program will pump millions of dollars into our state and local economies to fund various projects and support and create jobs, it is not a cure-all for South Dakota's economy. The additional funds will not solve all of the state's ongoing budget challenges, but they have allowed us to salvage programs that were proposed for elimination or reductions.
Our job is to make sure state and local agencies use the ARRA money with transparency, accountability and the greatest benefits for South Dakotans.
South Dakota is at the forefront of all states in getting the federal stimulus package implemented in the state budget and following directions for transparency and accountability. This website builds upon our existing OPEN SD Web site, which has 360,000 of pages of information for public viewing.
To see how the ARRA is impacting South Dakota's budget, click here. I hope South Dakotans will use this Web page as a resource to check for the latest news about ARRA implementation in our state.
Dennis Daugaard
Recovery Allotments Button Recovery Spending Chart Recovery Allotment Chart
South Dakota Jobs
ARRA Full Bill Text

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