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News Releases - Recovery Act

Chelsea Collaborative Awarded $1.9 Million in Recovery Act Funding to Reduce Diesel Emissions and Create Jobs

Release date: 07/13/2009

Contact Information: Paula Ballentine, (617) 918-1027

(Boston, Mass. – July 13, 2009) –In a move that stands to create jobs, boost local economies, reduce diesel emissions and protect human health and the environment for people across New England, EPA has awarded $1,921,426 to the Chelsea Collaborative for two projects that will significantly reduce diesel emission from diesel engines operating at the New England Produce Market, and elsewhere in the city of Chelsea. This clean diesel project will create jobs while protecting air quality in Massachusetts.

"Investing in Clean Diesel projects through the Recovery Act is a down payment on protecting health, improving air quality, helping the economy and creating jobs in our communities," said Ira Leighton, acting regional administrator of EPA's New England office. "New England has some of the highest rates of asthma in the country. By reducing diesel emissions - especially in urban areas - we are helping thousands of our neighbors to breathe easier."

The funds are provided under the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) of 2009 National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program. Under this funding competition, EPA Region 1 alone received over 30 grant applications requesting $35.8 million to help fund clean diesel emissions projects. The awards announced today were chosen to both maximize economic impact and emissions reductions.

The two projects will achieve significant reductions in diesel emissions through the retrofit, repower and upgrade of a variety of diesel engines and equipment:

- The New England Produce Market, located in Chelsea, is the second largest produce market in the United States. This project will repower 79 unregulated Tier 0 diesel-fired Transport Refrigeration Units operating at the New England Produce Market with all-electric refrigeration units. This will reduce an estimated 398,389 pounds of nitrogen oxides; 61,408 pounds of particulate matter; and 215,728 pounds of hydrocarbons annually.

- The City of Chelsea, along with two private partners, will work with the Chelsea Collaborative to retrofit and upgrade up to 18 diesel vehicles and equipment operating in the city. Diesel emission reduction strategies include the installation of diesel particulate matter filters and engine upgrades, reducing harmful particulate emissions between 20 and 90 percent.
In addition to helping to create and retain jobs, the clean diesel projects will reduce premature deaths, asthma attacks and other respiratory ailments, lost work days, and many other health impacts every year.

The Recovery Act allotted the National Clean Diesel Campaign (NCDC) a total of $300 million, of which the National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program received $156 million to fund competitive grants across the nation. The Recovery Act also included $20 million for the National Clean Diesel Emerging Technology Program grants and $30 million for the SmartWay Clean Diesel Finance Program grants.

In addition, under the Act’s State Clean Diesel Grant program, a total of $88.2 million has been provided to States for clean diesel projects through a noncompetitive allocation process,

President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 on February 17, 2009 and has directed that the Recovery Act be implemented with unprecedented transparency and accountability. To that end, the American people can see how every dollar is being invested at Recovery.gov.

More information:

- EPA’s implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 in New England (http://epa.gov/region1/eparecovery/index.html)

- EPA’s clean diesel initiatives (www.epa.gov/cleandiesel)

- Chelsea Collaborative (www.chelseacollab.org/programs/cgsrc.html)

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