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Superfund Program Implements the Recovery Act

Woolfolk Chemical Works

Ft. Valley, Georgia

Site Description
The 84-acre Brunswick Wood Preserving site is a former wood treating facility that operated from 1958 until 1991, when the company declared bankruptcy.  The facility’s operations included treating logs with creosote, pentachlorophenol and chromated copper arsenate, also known as  CCA.  Burnett Creek borders the site from the west and south, and the urban population of Brunswick borders it to the north and east.  The site is in a mixed commercial and residential area.  Contamination has affected soils and ground water in the area and also Burnett Creek sediments. 

Cleanup Activities to Date
While EPA added it to the National Priorities List in 1997, both EPA and the Georgia Environmental Protection Division performed large-scale removal actions at the site to address the most immediate risks and environmental impacts during the early-to-mid 1990s.   From 1991-1995, EPA’s removal activity included demolition and removal of most of the site structures; dewatering contaminated sludge; treating contaminated wastewater; and excavating and storing contaminated soil and sludge in secure, on-site waste cells.  In 1996, the State of Georgia disposed of waste materials contained in three of the four waste cells constructed by EPA.  The site’s long-term cleanup plan, which is currently under construction, involves barrier wall installation, solidification/stabilization, and capping to contain both the contaminated soil and most of the contaminated ground water.  After containment, ground water from outside of the contained area will be treated with in-situ chemical oxidation .

Recovery Act Project Activity
EPA will use the up to $5 million of Recovery Act funding allocated to this site to speed up completion of the ongoing long-term construction, primarily to support the capping of the containment cells and ground water treatment.  EPA expects completion of these activities will eliminate the ongoing impacts to Burnett Creek. 

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