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Superfund Program Implements the Recovery Act

Cornell-Dubilier Electronics

South Plainfield, New Jersey

Site Description
Cornell Dubilier Electronics, Inc. operated at the site from 1936 to 1962, manufacturing electronic parts and components, including capacitors.  The company dumped material contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other hazardous substances directly onto site soils during its operations. The site is currently known as Hamilton Industrial Park, and since, Cornell-Dubilier Electronics departure, has been occupied by numerous commercial businesses.  EPA has detected PCBs in the, ground water, soil and in building interiors at the industrial park and at nearby residential, commercial and municipal properties.  EPA also has detected PCBs in the surface water and sediments of the Bound Brook, which crosses the site’s southeast corner.  A pre-1991 investigation conducted by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection in the vicinity of the former CDE facility revealed significant ground water contamination consisting mainly of the volatile organic compounds, trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene.  Due to widespread contamination, residential wells in the area were closed and residents hooked up to a city water supply.

Cleanup Actions to Date
Since adding it to the National Priorities List in 1998, EPA has been addressing the site using both short- and long-term cleanup actions.  Short-term actions have involved interior cleaning of PCB-contaminated dust from 15 homes and the excavation of PCB-contaminated soil from 18 residential yards.  Long-term actions have included relocation of 13 active businesses from the industrial park and the demolition and removal of 18 contaminated buildings. Soil and debris from an area at the industrial park designated as the capacitor disposal area has been excavated and disposed of off-site.

Recovery Act Project Activity 
The more than $25 million in Recovery Act funding for this site will be used to accelerate the cleanup of the contaminated soil and debris, which are principal threat wastes, at the former CDE facility.  Contaminated soils will be treated on-site using low temperature thermal desorption.  Soils that cannot be cleaned through on-site treatment will be transported off-site for disposal.  Addressing the contaminated soils will allow redevelopment to begin at the industrial park, which is part of a Borough of South Plainfield-approved redevelopment plan.

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