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Superfund Program Implements the Recovery Act

Bountiful/Woods Cross 5th South PCE Plume/ Operable Unit 2

Cities of Bountiful and Woods Cross, Utah

Site Description
The approximately 400-acre Bountiful/Woods Cross 5th South PCE Plume site is located in southern Davis County, UT, approximately 10 miles north of Salt Lake City.  Primary land uses at this site include residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural.  Secondary land uses include an interstate highway, railroad tracks, a shopping mall and a petroleum refinery.  To clean up the site, EPA has divided it into two cleanup projects or operable units (OU) known as the Hatchco Property (OU 1), where the primary contaminant is trichloroethylene, and the Bountiful Family Cleaners (OU2), where the primary contaminant is tetrachloroethene.   Recovery Act funding at this site will support activities at OU 2, an area which includes one municipal well and several private residential wells.  

Cleanup Activities to Date
EPA listed the site on the National Priorities List  in 2001.  In 2007, EPA issued the cleanup plan to address OU 2 (the Bountiful Family Cleaners portion of the site).  In 2008, EPA conducted a pilot study to determine the appropriate boundaries for a hydraulic containment cleanup approach to address the site’s contaminated ground water

Recovery Act Project Activity
EPA will use the up to $5 million in Recovery Act funds allocated to this site to start the cleanup work at OU 2, which will consist of installing additional ground water extraction wells, monitoring wells, and constructing a water treatment system. 

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