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Recipient Requirements


OMB has added on their Recovery FAQs for Federal Contractors on Reporting page these FAQs:

The FAQ on timelines has been updated to accommodate the recent changes in reporting timelines recently announced by the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board at FederalReporting.gov.

Agencies are also reminded that in order to allow contractors sufficient time to respond to agency comments during the Agency Review Phase, agencies are to submit comments to contractors by the 26th day after the end of the calendar quarter per the September 2009 OFPP Memorandum, "Interim Guidance on Reviewing Contractor Reports on the Use of Recovery Act Funds in Accordance with FAR Clause 52.204-11" (PDF)

Updated June 2011: Frequently Asked Question regarding marking reports final.

Updated September 2010: Reference Guide for Data Entry for Assistance Agreements (Excel spreadsheet)

Updated September 2010Reference Guide for Data Entry for Contracts Recipient Reporting (PDF) (5 pp., 26K, about PDF)

Updated October 2010: Frequently Asked Questions (PDF) (10 pp., 70KB, about PDF)

View OMB' Updated Guidance


Disadvantaged Business Enterprises

Recipients of EPA financial assistance agreements, including those issued under the Recovery Act, are required to seek and encouraged to use small, minority, and women-owned businesses ("disadvantaged business enterprises, or DBE's) for their procurement needs. Learn more about EPA's DBE program. EPA encourages DBEs to follow-up with Recovery Act financial assistance recipients so that they remain aware of procurement opportunities stemming from their Recovery Act-funded projects.

Civil Rights

 July 2010 notice on civil rights obligations applicable to the distribution of Recovery Act funds:
Federal agency obligations | Recipient and subrecipient obligations
For questions about these civil rights obligations, please contact the Office of Civil Rights at 202-564-7272.

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