RecoveryDotGov’s lists

@nguerra94/news-info Following: 126
Followers: 1
@JeremyMeyers/politics Following: 24
Followers: 0
@TheSCProject/federalagencies Following: 7
Followers: 0
@ricksanchezcnn/government-agencies Following: 41
Followers: 3
@Phyllipsattler/a Following: 49
Followers: 0
@mandywarhol/government-depts-offices Following: 21
Followers: 0
@tandp_usa/us-government Following: 12
Followers: 0
@aheimermann/gov Government officials Following: 17
Followers: 0
@BusinessAtty/usgovtofficialtweetpages Official Twitter Accounts of U.S. Government Agencies, Branches & Officials Following: 70
Followers: 0
@ndoyno/financial-industry-feed Following: 6
Followers: 0
@burkelyhermann/us-government Twitters that I know of that are from the U.S. government. There's a lot of them! Following: 24
Followers: 0
@JoeyTheFaz/transportation Following: 57
Followers: 0
@JoeyTheFaz/dvrpc Following: 27
Followers: 0
@PeerAbuse/realcelebsontwitter List of real celebs & not imposters Following: 318
Followers: 3
@castellani/gov Government: National, Federal, State, Local Following: 46
Followers: 1
@melcich/govt-agencies Following: 9
Followers: 0
@OBAMA2012GROUP/gov Following: 9
Followers: 0
@Hal_Good/federal-acquisition FEDERAL Acquisition / Procurement / Contracting Related Resources and Agencies Following: 54
Followers: 1
@cbrocious/news Following: 128
Followers: 0
@wireless__mouse/st Following: 159
Followers: 0