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Blogs about: Data

Featured Blog

gambypants wrote 1 hour ago: … more →

Tags: charlie2tv, gif, data gif, star trek the next generation

20-Year Hispanic Academic Gaps Persist in Math, Reading (Hispanic Business)

Melyora Trujillo wrote 1 hour ago: While growing numbers of Hispanic students have changed the face of American education in the past t … more →

Tags: General, Achievement gap, Educational Reform, LAUSD, Student Performance

Sideband #12: Even Dozen

Wyrd Smythe wrote 3 hours ago: I’m on a numeric kick with regard to Sidebands. Don’t worry, it can’t last past 13 … more →

Tags: sideband, Code, Cogito ergo sum, Engineering, Programming, Star Trek

HRCI map

simonids wrote 3 hours ago: Explore this visualisation (Opens in new window) … more →

HRCI Matrix chart

simonids wrote 3 hours ago: Explore this visualisation (Opens in new window) Explore this visualisation (Opens in new window) … more →

HRCI indicators pie chart

simonids wrote 4 hours ago: Explore this visualisation (Opens in new window) … more →

Turntable.fm Article: You Never Know Who’s Listening (Or, How I Got Interviewed by the BBC)

Clint wrote 4 hours ago: Thanks to Clark Murray for sending this in… Here is an example of how social media sites, alon … more →

Tags: Article 2, turntable.fm, turntable, Music, Social, Article, Analysis, BBC, Interview

Free EASEUS Todo Backup 2.5.1

Bill Mullins wrote 4 hours ago: If you don’t yet have a backup plan, it’s time you thought seriously about developing one. The effor … more →

Tags: 64 bit software, Backup Applications, Backup Tools, Downloads, Free backup applications, Freeware, Hard Drive Cloning, hard drive imaging, New Computer User Software Tools

#Polish #Genealogy - #Gazetteers and Other Similar Resources2 comments

mikeeliasz wrote 7 hours ago: Gazetteers. You have got to love them to do genealogical research outside the USA. How do you learn … more →

Tags: Books, Gazetteer, genealogy, History, Maps, musings, Poland, Gazetteers, polish

Fan art Friday!

Marcus Coltrin wrote 9 hours ago: New idea! Fan art Friday. On Fridays I will post a fan art painting that I make. I will need your he … more →

Tags: Painting, Art, Hero, Painting, Acrylic, Robot, contest, Star Trek, Fan Art

INFOGRAPHIC: The World of Data

Will Scully-Power wrote 10 hours ago: … more →

Tags: visualisation, Datarati

Atari Games with 'Star' or 'Space' in the Title: Part I

J.S. wrote 12 hours ago: Hoo lordie, can you believe this humble blog has lasted long enough for a SECOND post? I honestly ca … more →

Tags: Albert Einstein, Atari, Atari 2600, call of duty black ops, david lee roth, Isaac Newton, MIT, nerd from Freaks and Geeks, Nerds

Top 5 Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs a Website

joshuabui wrote 12 hours ago: The internet has made a distinct impact on how business is done throughout the world. Small business … more →

Tags: Interior design, Design, Graphic Design, Art, Web, Small Business, Business, Sites, websties

Do We Need Anonymity For Surfing Like The Laws For Phone Tapping?

WomensPowerHub wrote 19 hours ago: The recent phone tapping issue not only closed UK’s paper, News of the World, and left its innocent … more →

Tags: Data Protection, Internet, media, Politics, American, anonymous surfing, Bin Laden's death, BSkyB, clash of civilization

Personal Health Infographic

Amy Robinson wrote 20 hours ago: I long for the day when my doctor gives me a personal health infographic with my copay receipt.   Th … more →

Tags: Quantified Self, Sterling Health, Aerobic, Blood Pressure, bmi, Cholesterol, cooking, DataViz, Design

What's the next challenge for Open Government data?10 comments

Mulqueeny wrote 20 hours ago: So three years in to data.gov.uk and the inaugural National Hack the Government Day and now there is … more →

Tags: coding, Collaboration, developer community, developer fatigue, Developers, geeks, Government, hack days, home office

Leon's Musings - timely news - commodity no longer - offshore ahoy

Leon.Bender.Comixt wrote 20 hours ago: Timely news With all the talk of the carbon tax in Australia it was very timely to read news that Po … more →

Tags: fund managers, Vendors, Leon's Musings, esg, Australia, blackrock, Taiwan, Colonial FirstState@, Polaris Securities Investment Trust Company@

The problem is occurring because...

DT Hernandez wrote 20 hours ago: Group members first decided which "reasons" they have no control over (can't change). … more →

Tags: Collaboration

k.mccarthy wrote 21 hours ago: Cool or Not? … more →

Tags: infographic, facebook, Google