Representing city letter carriers
of the United States Postal Service
Founded in 1889, NALC is the union of city letter carriers employed by the U.S. Postal Service. Letter carriers delivered 176 billion pieces of mail last year, six days a week, to over 148 million homes and businesses in every city, suburb and town in America.
Fredric V. Rolando,
Fredric V. Rolando

NALC is affiliated with the AFL-CIO and with UNI, an international alliance of communications unions.

Wrong Way
Featured news
Food Drive   Ready to stamp out some hunger? The 19th annual national NALC Food Drive is this Saturday, May 14. More than 1,500 NALC branches from every state, involving more than 10,000 cities and towns, will help stock community food banks, pantries and shelters for the summer months. More | National weather

Help from PERF: The natural disasters that have plagued the Midwest and South over the last few weeks remind us that nature's fury can be unleashed at any time. Fortunately, letter carriers have access to a helping hand in times of trouble: the Postal Employees’ Relief Fund (PERF). More | NALC Bulletin
House of Representatives

H.R. 1351:

Pressing for reform: Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) has introduced H.R. 1351, the USPS Pension Obligation Recalculation and Restoration Act. Is your representative a co-sponsor? As of May 11, 78 House members are. Click here to find out if yours is one of them. If not, click here to look up members' contact information and ask yours to sign on. Fact sheet
Politicizing postal bargaining: The recent, unprecedented congressional hearing on a negotiated agreement between the USPS and the APWU shows what letter carriers and the rest of the postal workforce are up against in the 112th Congress. More | Activist Alert blog
NALC and USPS agree to new JARAP: The NALC has entered into a new Joint Alternate Route Adjustment Process (JARAP) with the USPS for 2011. More
House of Representatives

H.Res. 137:

Preserving six-day delivery: So far, 130 House members have signed on as co-sponsors of H.Res. 137, which expresses the sense of the House that the USPS should take "all appropriate measures" to ensure continuation of six-day delivery. Click here to find out if your representative has signed on as a co-sponsor, and click here to find representatives' contact information.
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Gimme 5 2011 Gimme 5 contest Carrier Corps 2012
 Member resources

Join together with tens of thousands of other letter carriers to make your voice heard! NALC will send you e-mail alerts when it's time to act on issues affecting active and retired letter carriers and the future of the Postal Service.
Sign up here.
| Change your address here.
UPDATE your account information here.
Read previous e-Activist messages here.
RSSSubscribe to the e-Activist RSS feed here.

NALC Publications: NALC Constitution, JCAM, Reciprocal Agreement and more
• Download the 2011 Calendar Card here
• Material Reference System (MRS)
• Customer Connect lead card
• Change your address?
• Contract-related or work rule question? Contact your NBA.
NALC/USPS presentation on COR in MIARAP
• Route Inspection Kit for Windows, Windows Vista
• Branch merger application
• Route protection materials
• Bylaw changes form
Save the dates!
The 2011 National Rap Session is set for October 14-16 in Las Vegas. There will be a welcoming reception on the evening of October 14, a variety of workshops on October 15 and the rap session itself on the morning of October 16. Hotel arrangements have not yet been finalized; please check back. Please note that both the Health Benefit Plan and Mutual Benefit Association seminars, also in Las Vegas, have been scheduled to immediately follow the rap session. More

Give to COLCPE
COLCPECOLCPE, the Committee on Letter Carrier Political Education, is the NALC's political action fund. Click here to find out more.