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The 2010 Statistical Abstract

The National Data Book

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Business Enterprise

This section relates to the place and behavior of the business firm and to business initiative in the American economy. It includes data on the number, type, and size of businesses; financial data of domestic and multinational U.S. corporations; business investments, expenditures, and profits; and sales and inventories.

Download, view, and print entire Business Enterprise Section [PDF 863k]

Economic Indicators

762 - Business Cycle Expansions and Contractions--Months of Duration [Excel 31k] | [PDF 438k]

763- The Conference Board Leading, Coincident, and Lagging Economic Indexes [Excel 56k] | [PDF 463k]

764 - Manufacturing and Trade--Sales and Inventories [Excel 27k] | [PDF 459k]

765 - Industrial Production Indexes by Industry [Excel 53k] | [PDF 459k]

766 - Index of Industrial Capacity [Excel 31k] | [PDF 459k]

Establishments, Employees, Payroll

740 - Economic Census summary (2002 NAICS Basis) [Excel 38k] | [PDF 449k]

741 - Nonemployer Establishments and Receipts by Industry [Excel 32k] | [PDF 458k]

742 - Establishments, Employees and Payroll by Employment-Size Class [Excel 30k] | [PDF 458k]

743 - Establishments, Employees, and Payroll by Employment-Size Class and Industry [Excel 91k] | [PDF 454k]

744 - Employer Firms, Establishments, Employment, and Annual Payroll by Firm Size [Excel 35k] | [PDF 447k]

745 - Firm Births and Deaths by Employment Size of Enterprise [Excel 29k] | [PDF 447k]

746 - Employer Firms, Employment, and Annual Payroll by Enterprise Size and Industry [Excel 224k] | [PDF 447k]

747 - Employer Firms, Employment, and Payroll by Employment Size of Enterprise and State [Excel 88k] | [PDF 446k]

748 - Employer Firm Births and Deaths and Business Bankruptcies by State [Excel 43k] | [PDF 453k]

752 - Bankruptcy Petitions Filed and Pending by Type and Chapter [Excel 42k] | [PDF 464k]

753 - Bankruptcy Cases Filed by State [Excel 52k] | [PDF 460k]

Investment, Capital Expenditures

757 - Net Stock of Private Fixed Assets by Industry [Excel 65k] | [PDF 449k]

758 - Private Domestic Investment in Current and Real (2000) Dollars [Excel 60k] | [PDF 448k]

759 - Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Equipment and Computer Software Expenditures [Excel 29k] | [PDF 448k]

760 - Capital Expenditures [Excel 26k] | [PDF 448k]

761 - Capital Expenditures by Industry [Excel 27k] | [PDF 448k]

Multinational Companies

771 - Value Added, Employment, and Capital Expenditures of Nonbank U.S. Multinational Companies [Excel 37k] | [PDF 458k]

772 - United States Multinational Companies--Selected Characteristics: 2005 [Excel 80k] | [PDF 460k]

773 - United States Multinational Companies--Value Added [Excel 64k] | [PDF 460k]

774 - United States Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates--Value Added by Industry of Affiliate and Country [Excel 147k] | [PDF 460k]

Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights

754 - Patents and Trademarks [Excel 36k] | [PDF 460k]

755 - Patents by State and Island Areas: 2008 [Excel 59k] | [PDF 460k]

756 - Copyright Registrations by Subject Matter [Excel 31k] | [PDF 459k]


767 - Corporate Profits, Taxes, and Dividends [Excel 34k] | [PDF 460k]

768 - Corporate Profits With Inventory Valuation and Capital Consumption Adjustments--Financial and Nonfinancial Industries [Excel 29k] | [PDF 460k]

769 - Corporate Profits Before Taxes by Industry [Excel 38k] | [PDF 460k]

770 - Manufacturing, Mining, and Trade Corporations--Profits and Stockholders' Equity by Industry [Excel 40k] | [PDF 458k]

Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Corporations

728 - Number of Tax Returns, Receipts, and Net Income by Type of Business [Excel 27k] | [PDF 458k]

729 - Number of Tax Returns and Business Receipts by Size of Receipts [Excel 25k] | [PDF 458k]

730 - Number of Tax Returns, Receipts, and Net Income by Type of Business and Industry: 2006 [Excel 97k] | [PDF 458k]

731 - Nonfarm Sole Proprietorships--Selected Income and Deduction Items [Excel 41k] | [PDF 460k]

732 - Partnerships--Selected Income and Balance Sheet Items [Excel 32k] | [PDF 460k]

733 - Partnerships--Selected Items by Industry: 2006 [Excel 41k] | [PDF 460k]

734- Nonfarm Noncorporate Business-Sector Balance Sheet [Excel 39k] | [PDF 460k]

735 - Nonfinancial Corporate Business-Sector Balance Sheet [Excel 40k] | [PDF 450k]

736 - Corporate Funds--Sources and Uses [Excel 86k] | [PDF 450k]

737 - Corporations--Selected Financial Items [Excel 34k] | [PDF 458k]

738 - Corporations by Receipt-Size Class and Industry: 2006 [Excel 38k] | [PDF 457k]

739 - Corporations by Asset-Size Class and Industry: 2006 [Excel 53k] | [PDF 457k]

Women and Minority-Owned Businesses

749 - Small Business Administration Loans to Minority-Owned Small Businesses [Excel 44k] | [PDF 448k]

750- United States Firms--Ownership by Women, Race and Hispanic or Latino Origin: 2002 [Excel 33k] | [PDF 459k]

751- Women-Owned and Minority-Owned Firms With Paid Employees by Employment Size: 2002 [Excel 34k] | [PDF 459k]

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  The 2010 Statistical Abstract  |  Page Last Modified: October 27, 2010