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The 2010 Statistical Abstract

The National Data Book

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Geography & Environment

This section presents a variety of information on the physical environment of the United States, starting with basic area measurement data and ending with climatic data for selected weather stations around the country. The subjects covered between those points are mostly concerned with environmental trends but include related subjects such as land use, water consumption, air pollutant emissions, toxic releases, oil spills, hazardous waste sites, municipal waste and recycling, threatened and endangered wildlife, and the environmental industry.

Download, view, and print entire Geography and Environment Section [PDF 827k]

Air Quality

361 - National Ambient Air Pollutant Concentrations by Type of Pollutant [Excel 37k] | [PDF 460k]

362 - Selected National Air Pollutant Emissions [Excel 39k] | [PDF 460k]

363 - Selected Air Pollutant Emissions by Pollutant and Source: 2007 [Excel 34k] | [PDF 460k]

364 - Emissions Of Greenhouse Gases by Type and Source [Excel 50k] | [PDF 458k]

Environmental Industry; Threatened and Endangered Species

372 - Environmental Industry-- Revenues and Employment, by Industry Segment [Excel 61k] | [PDF 460k]

373 - Threatened and Endangered Wildlife and Plant Species--Number: 2009 [Excel 43k] | [PDF 460k]

Land and Land Use

346 - Land and Water Area Of States and Other Entities: 2008 [Excel 127k] | [PDF 448k]

350 - U.S.--Canada and U.S.--Mexico Border Lengths [Excel 25k] | [PDF 478k]

353 - Extreme and Mean Elevations by States and Other Areas [Excel 45k] | [PDF 461k]

354 - Land Cover/Use by Type: 1982 to 2003 [Excel 58k] | [PDF 460k]

355 - Wetlands on Nonfederal Land and Water Areas by Land Cover/Use and Farm Production Region: 2003 [Excel 30k] | [PDF 460k]

356 - Land Cover/Use by State: 2003 [Excel 54k] | [PDF 460k]

376 - Wildland Fires, Number and Acres [Excel 41k] | [PDF 441k]

Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, and Superfund

360 - Hazardous Waste Generated, Shipped, and Received by State and Other Area: 2007 [Excel 44k] | [PDF 459k]

365 - Municipal Solid Waste Generation, Materials Recovery, Combustion with Energy Recovery, and Discards in the United States [Excel 43k] | [PDF 458k]

366 - Generation and Recovery Of Selected Materials In Municipal Solid Waste [Excel 43k] | [PDF 458k]

367 - Municipal Solid Waste--Generation, Recovery, and Discards by Selected Type of Product: 2006 [Excel 61k] | [PDF 458k]

368 - Toxic Chemical Releases and Transfers by Media [Excel 45k] | [PDF 460k]

369 - Toxic Chemical Releases by Industry: 2007 [Excel 51k] | [PDF 460k]

370 - Toxic Chemical Releases by State and Outlying Area: 2007 [Excel 51k] | [PDF 451k]

371 - Hazardous Waste Sites On The National Priority List by State and Outlying Area: 2008 [Excel 54k] | [PDF 460k]

Water, Water Use and Quality

347 - Great Lakes Profile [Excel 32k] | [PDF 476k]

348 - Great Lakes Length of Shoreline in Separate Basin [Excel 33k] | [PDF 476k]

349 - Largest Lakes in the United States [Excel 39k] | [PDF 476k]

351 - Coastline and Shoreline of the United States by State [Excel 25k] | [PDF 478k]

352 - Flows of Largest U.S. Rivers--Length Discharge and Drainage Area [Excel 31k] | [PDF 458k]

357 - U.S. Wetland Resources and Deepwater Habitats by Type [Excel 55k] | [PDF 459k]

358 - U.S. Water Withdrawals Per Day by End-Use [Excel 48k] | [PDF 459k]

359 - Oil Spills In U.S. Water--Number and Volume [Excel 35k] | [PDF 459k]

Weather Events and Climate

374 - Tornadoes, Floods, Tropical Storms, and Lightning [Excel 43k] | [PDF 460k]

375 - Major U.S. Weather Disasters [Excel 455k] | [PDF 458k]

377 - Highest and Lowest Temperatures by State Through 2003 [Excel 358k] | [PDF 450k]

378 - Normal Daily Mean, Maximum, and Minimum Temperatures--Selected Cities [Excel 57k] | [PDF 453k]

379 - Highest Temperature Of Record--Selected Cities [Excel 45k] | [PDF 459k]

380 - Lowest Temperature Of Record--Selected Cities [Excel 44k] | [PDF 459k]

381 - Normal Monthly and Annual Precipitation--Selected Cities [Excel 72k] | [PDF 459k]

382 - Mean Number Of Days With Precipitation Of 0.01 Inch Or More--Selected Cities [Excel 51k] | [PDF 448k]

383 - Snow, Hail, Ice Pellets, and Sleet--Selected Cities [Excel 48k] | [PDF 460k]

384 - Cloudiness, Average Wind Speed, Heating and Cooling Degree Days, and Average Relative Humidity--Selected Cities [Excel 57k] | [PDF 449k]

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  The 2010 Statistical Abstract  |  Page Last Modified: October 27, 2010