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The 2010 Statistical Abstract

The National Data Book

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Income, Expenditures, Poverty, & Wealth

This section presents data on gross domestic product (GDP), gross national product (GNP), national and personal income, saving and investment, money income, poverty, and national and personal wealth.

Download, view, and print entire Income, Expenditures, Poverty, and Wealth Section [PDF 1.0M]

Consumer Expenditures

668 - Average Annual Expenditures of All Consumer Units by Selected Major Types of Expenditure [Excel 196k] | [PDF 459k]

669 - Average Annual Expenditures of All Consumer Units by Metropolitan Area [Excel 130k] | [PDF 459k]

670 - Average Annual Expenditures of All Consumer Units by Race, Hispanic Origin, and Age of Householder: 2007 [Excel 223k] | [PDF 460k]

671 - Average Annual Expenditures of All Consumer Units by Region and Size of Unit: 2007 [Excel 98k] | [PDF 460k]

672 - Average Annual Expenditures Of All Consumer Units by Income Level: 2007 [Excel 26k] | [PDF 457k]

673 - Annual Expenditure Per Child by Husband-Wife Families by Family Income and Expenditure Type: 2008 [Excel 178k] | [PDF 457k]

Family Income

679 - Money Income of Families--Number and Distribution by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2007 [Excel 102k] | [PDF 459k]

680 - Money Income of Families--Percent Distribution by Income Level, in Constant (2006) Dollars [Excel 79k] | [PDF 459k]

681 - Money Income of Families--Median Income by Race and Hispanic Origin, in Current and Constant (2007) Dollars [Excel 340k] | [PDF 459k]

682 - Money Income of Families--Distribution by Family Characteristics and Income Level: 2007 [Excel 70k] | [PDF 459k]

683 - Median Income of Families by Type Of Family in Current and Constant (2007) Dollars [Excel 174k] | [PDF 460k]

684 - Married-Couple Families--Number and Median Income by Work Experience of Husbands and Wives and Presence of Children: 2007 [Excel 58k] | [PDF 460k]

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

651 - Gross Domestic Product in Current and Chained (2000) Dollars [Excel 238k] | [PDF 458k]

652 - Real Gross Domestic Product, Chained (2000) Dollars--Annual Percent Change [Excel 107k] | [PDF 459k]

653 - Gross Domestic Product in Current and Chained (2000) Dollars by Type of Product and Sector [Excel 124k] | [PDF 459k]

654 - Gross Domestic Product in Current and Chained (2000) Dollars by Industry [Excel 235k] | [PDF 459k]

655- Gross Domestic Product by State in Current and Real (2000) Dollars by State: 2000 to 2007 [Excel 66k] | [PDF 458k]

656 - Gross Domestic Product by Industry and State: 2008 [Excel 90k] | [PDF 458k]

657 - Relation of GDP, GNP, Net National Product, National Income, Personal Income, Disposable Personal Income, and Personal Saving [Excel 134k] | [PDF 459k]

658 - Gross Saving and Investment [Excel 35k] | [PDF 459k]

659 - Flow of Funds Accounts--Composition of Individuals' Savings [Excel 148k] | [PDF 460k]

660 - Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Level of Government and Type: 2008 [Excel 31k] | [PDF 460k]

661 - Personal Consumption Expenditures by Type of Expenditure [Excel 137k] | [PDF 459k]

663 - Selected Per Capita Income and Product Measures in Current and Chained (2000) Dollars [Excel 36k] | [PDF 459k]

Household Income

674 - Money Income of Households--Percent Distribution by Income Level, Race, and Hispanic Origin in Constant (2007) Dollars [Excel 79k] | [PDF 460k]

675 - Money Income of Households--Median Income by Race and Hispanic Origin in Current and Constant (2007) Dollars [Excel 213k] | [PDF 460k]

676 - Money Income of Households--Distribution by Income Level and Selected Characteristics: 2007 [Excel 152k] | [PDF 459k]

677 - Money Income of Households--Number and Distribution by Race and Hispanic Origin: 2007 [Excel 162k] | [PDF 448k]

678 - Share of Aggregate Income Received by Each Fifth and Top 5 Percent of Households [Excel 75k] | [PDF 458k]

Income and Poverty--State and Local Data

690 - Household Income--Distribution by Income Level and State: 2007 [Excel 141k] | [PDF 458k]

691 - Family Income--Distribution by Income Level and State: 2007 [Excel 167k] | [PDF 458k]

692 - Household Income, Family Income, and Per Capita Income and Individual and Family Below Poverty Level by City: 2007 [Excel 242k] | [PDF 448k]

693 - Individuals and Families Below Poverty Level--Number and Rate by State [Excel 119k] | [PDF 447k]

Income for Persons

685 - Median Income of People With Income in Constant (2007) Dollars by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin [Excel 102k] | [PDF 460k]

686 - Money Income of People--Selected Characteristics by Income Level: 2007 [Excel 192k] | [PDF 459k]

687 - Average Earnings of Year-Round Full-Time Workers by Educational Attainment: 2007 [Excel 149k] | [PDF 467k]

688 - Per Capita Money Income in Current and Constant (2007) Dollars by Race and Hispanic Origin [Excel 96k] | [PDF 460k]

689 - Money Income of People--Number by Income Level and by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin: 2007 [Excel 171k] | [PDF 460k]

Personal Income

662 - Personal Income and Its Disposition [Excel 85k] | [PDF 459k]

664 - Personal Income in Current and Constant (2000) Dollars by State [Excel 76k] | [PDF 458k]

665 - Personal Income Per Capita in Current and Constant (2000) Dollars by State [Excel 73k] | [PDF 457k]

666 - Disposable Personal Income Per Capita in Current and Constant (2000) Dollars by State [Excel 73k] | [PDF 458k]

667 - Personal Income by Selected Large Metropolitan Area [Excel 374k] | [PDF 460k]


694 - Poverty Thresholds by Size of Unit [Excel 40k] | [PDF 460k]

695 - People Below Poverty Level and Below 125 Percent Of Poverty Level by Race and Hispanic Origin [Excel 93k] | [PDF 460k]

696 - Children Below Poverty Level by Race and Hispanic Origin [Excel 64k] | [PDF 460k]

697 - Persons Below Poverty Level by Selected Characteristics: 2007 [Excel 145k] | [PDF 460k]

698 - Work Experience During 2007 by Poverty Status, Sex and Age: 2007 [Excel 261k] | [PDF 458k]

699 - Families Below Poverty Level and Below 125 Percent of Poverty by Race and Hispanic Origin [Excel 124k] | [PDF 459k]

700 - Families Below Poverty Level by Selected Characteristics: 2007 [Excel 115k] | [PDF 459k]

701 - Top Wealth Holders with Gross Assets of $1.5 Million or More--Debts, Mortgages, and Net Worth: 2004 [Excel 26k] | [PDF 459k]


702 - Top Wealth Holders With Gross Assets of $1.5 Million or More by Type of Property, Sex, and Size of Net Worth: 2004 [Excel 37k] | [PDF 448k]

703 - Top Wealth Holders With Net Worth $1.5 Million or More--Number and Net Worth by State: 2004 [Excel 40k] | [PDF 448k]

704 - Nonfinancial Assets Held by Families by Type of Asset: 2004 [Excel 46k] | [PDF 447k]

705 - Family Net Worth--Mean and Median Net Worth in Constant (2007) Dollars by Selected Family Characteristics [Excel 58k] | [PDF 447k]

706 - Household and Nonprofit Organization Sector Balance Sheet [Excel 49k] | [PDF 460k]

707 - Net Stock of Fixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth In Current and Chained (2000) Dollars [Excel 138k] | [PDF 460k]

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  The 2010 Statistical Abstract  |  Page Last Modified: October 27, 2010