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The 2010 Statistical Abstract

The National Data Book

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Health & Nutrition

This section presents statistics on health expenditures and insurance coverage, including Medicare and Medicaid, medical personnel, hospitals, nursing homes and other care facilities, injuries, diseases, disability status, nutritional intake of the population, and food consumption.

Download, view, and print entire Health and Nutrition Section [PDF 1.1M]

Food Consumption and Nutrition

209 - Households and Persons Having Problems with Access to Food [Excel 36k] | [PDF 460k]

210 - Per Capita Consumption of Selected Beverages by Type [Excel 26k] | [PDF 459k]

211 - Nutrition-Nutrients in Foods Available for Civilian Consumption Per Capita Per Day [Excel 32k] | [PDF 459k]

212 - Per Capita Consumption of Major Food Commodities [Excel 43k] | [PDF 459k]

213 - Per Capita Utilization of Selected Commercially-Produced Fruits and Vegetables [Excel 37k] | [PDF 458k]

Health Care Resources

154 - Annual Receipts/Revenue for Health Care Industries [Excel 32k] | [PDF 477k]

155 - Receipts for Selected Health Service Industries by Source of Revenue [Excel 24k] | [PDF 460k]

156 - Employment In The Health Service Industries [Excel 37k] | [PDF 460k]

157 - Osteopathic Physicians [Excel 30k] | [PDF 460k]

158 - Physicians by Sex and Specialty [Excel 38k] | [PDF 460k]

159 - Active Physicians and Nurses, by State [Excel 41k] | [PDF 460k]

166 - Hospitals--Summary Characteristics [PDF 434k]

167 - Average Cost To Community Hospitals Per Patient [PDF 434k]

168 - Community Hospitals--States [PDF 465k]

190 - Nursing Homes--Selected Characteristics: 2004 [Excel 35k] | [PDF 460k]

201 - Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities and Clients [Excel 34k] | [PDF 450k]

Health Care Utilization

160 - Percent Distribution of Number of Visits to Health Care Professionals, by Selected Characteristics [Excel 42k] | [PDF 477k]

161 - Adults 18 Years and Over Who Used Complementary and Alternative Medicine(CAM) in the Past Twelve Months, by Type of Therapy [Excel 41k] | [PDF 477k]

162 - Ambulatory Care Visits To Physicians' Offices and Hospital Outpatient and Emergency Departments: 2007 [Excel 30k] | [PDF 450k]

163 - Visits To Office-Based Physicians and Hospital Outpatient Departments by Diagnosis [Excel 34k] | [PDF 450k]

164 - Visits To Hospital Emergency Departments by Diagnosis: 2007 [Excel 33k] | [PDF 461k]

165 - Procedures For Inpatients Discharged From Short-Stay Hospitals [Excel 44k] | [PDF 461k]

169 - Hospital Use Rates by Type of Hospital [PDF 438k]

170 - Hospital Utilization Rates by Sex [Excel 33k] | [PDF 458k]

171 - Hospital Utilization Measures For HIV Patients [Excel 34k] | [PDF 458k]

172 - Hospital Discharges and Days of Care [Excel 36k] | [PDF 461k]

173 - Hospital Discharges And Days of Care by Selected Diagnosis: 2006 [Excel 44k] | [PDF 461k]

174 - Selected Cosmetic Plastic Surgical and Nonsurgical Procedures [Excel 47k] | [PDF 450k]

175 - Organ Transplants and Grafts [Excel 27k] | [PDF 450k]

189 - Persons 65 Years Old and Over With Limitation of Activity Caused by Chronic Conditions [Excel 34k] | [PDF 460k]

198 - Use of Mammography For Women 40 Years Old and Over by Patient Characteristics [Excel 40k] | [PDF 460k]

Health Conditions, Diseases

176 - Cancer--Estimated New Cases, and Survival Rates [Excel 34k] | [PDF 459k]

177 - Cancer--Estimated New Cases and Deaths by State: 2009 [Excel 33k] | [PDF 459k]

178 - Selected Notifiable Diseases--Cases Reported [Excel 43k] | [PDF 462k]

179 - AIDS, Clamydia, and Lyme Disease, (2007) Cases Reported by State [Excel 31k] | [PDF 462k]

180 - Reported AIDS Cases for Adults and Adolescents, by Transmission Category and Sex: Cumulative Through 2007 [Excel 33k] | [PDF 459k]

181 - Estimated Number of Persons Living With Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) by Year, Age, and Selected Characteristics [Excel 43k] | [PDF 459k]

182 - Learning Disability or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder for Children 3 to 17 Years of Age, by Selected Characteristics: 2007 [Excel 44k] | [PDF 459k]

183 - Children and Youth With Disabilities Served by Selected Programs [Excel 32k] | [PDF 459k]

184 - Children Under 18 Years of Age Receiving Special Education or Early Intervention Services: 2007 [Excel 43k] | [PDF 448k]

185 - Disabilities Tallied by Age Group and by State: 2007 [Excel 28k] | [PDF 448k]

186 - Children Immunized Against Specified Diseases [Excel 33k] | [PDF 459k]

187 - Asthma Incidence Among Children Under 18 Years of Age, by Selected Characteristics: 2007 [Excel 34k] | [PDF 459k]

188 - Persons With Limitation of Activity Caused by Chronic Conditions [Excel 29k] | [PDF 460k]

191 - Persons 18 Years and Over With Selected Diseases and Conditions, by Selected Characteristics: 2007 [Excel 27k] | [PDF 460k]

192 - Persons 18 Years of Age and Over with Selected Circulatory Diseases, by Selected Characteristics: 2007 [Excel 27k] | [PDF 460k]

193 - Selected Respiratory Diseases Among Persons 18 Years of Age and Over, by Selected Characteristics: 2007 [Excel 33k] | [PDF 478k]

194 - Persons 18 Years of Age and Over with Migraines and Pains in the Neck, Lower Back, Face or Jaw, by Selected Characteristics: 2007 [Excel 36k] | [PDF 478k]

195 - Injury and Poisoning Episodes and Conditions by Age and Sex: 2007 [Excel 53k] | [PDF 460k]

196 - Injuries Associated With Consumer Products: 2007 [Excel 38k] | [PDF 460k]

197 - Costs of Unintentional Injuries: 2007 [Excel 36k] | [PDF 460k]

Health Expenditures

127 - National Health Expenditures--Summary, and Projections [Excel 79k] | [PDF 446k]

128 - National Health Expenditures by Type [Excel 29k] | [PDF 449k]

129 - National Health Expenditures by Object, and Projections [Excel 81k] | [PDF 449k]

130 - Health Services And Supplies--Per Capita Consumer Expenditures by Object [Excel 29k] | [PDF 449k]

131 - Public Expenditures For Health Services And Supplies: 2007 [Excel 36k] | [PDF 449k]

132 - Personal Health Care--Third Party Payments And Private Consumer Expenditures, and Projections [Excel 30k] | [PDF 449k]

133 - Personal Health Care Expenditures by Object and Source of Payment: 2007 [Excel 27k] | [PDF 448k]

134 - Hospital Care, Physician and Clinical Services, Nursing Home Care, and Prescription Drug Expenditures by Source of Payment [Excel 58k] | [PDF 448k]

135 - Consumer Price Indexes of Medical Care Prices [Excel 31k] | [PDF 458k]

136 - Average Annual Expenditures Per Consumer Unit For Health Care [Excel 39k] | [PDF 458k]

153 - Retail Prescription Drug Sales [Excel 36k] | [PDF 467k]

Health Insurance

147 - Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) [Excel 36k] | [PDF 461k]

148 - Persons Enrolled in Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) by State [Excel 36k] | [PDF 461k]

149 - Health Insurance Coverage Status By Selected Characteristics [Excel 38k] | [PDF 450k]

150 - Persons With and Without Health Insurance Coverage By State: 2007 [Excel 37k] | [PDF 450k]

151 - People Without Health Insurance for the Entire Year by Selected Characteristics [Excel 36k] | [PDF 459k]

152 - Percent of Workers Participating in Health Care Benefit Programs and Percent of Participants Required to Contribute: 2008 [Excel 39k] | [PDF 459k]

Health Risk Factors

199 - Current Cigarette Smoking [Excel 46k] | [PDF 460k]

200 - Current Cigarette Smoking by Sex and State: 2007 [Excel 36k] | [PDF 460k]

202 - Drug Use by Type of Drug and Age Group [Excel 80k] | [PDF 450k]

203 - Estimated Use of Selected Drugs by State [Excel 38k] | [PDF 458k]

204 - Cumulative Percent Distribution of Population by Height And Sex [Excel 36k] | [PDF 436k]

205 - Cumulative Percent Distribution of Population by Weight and Sex [Excel 54k] | [PDF 436k]

206 - Age-adjusted Percent Distributions of Body Mass Index (BMI) Among Persons 18 Years Old and Over, by Selected Characteristics [Excel 27k] | [PDF 448k]

207 - Age-Adjusted Percentage of Persons Engaging in Physical Activity and Fitness by Selected Characteristic: 2007 [Excel 35k] | [PDF 448k]

208 - High School Students Engaged in Physical Activity by Sex: 2007 [Excel 38k] | [PDF 460k]

Medicare, Medicaid

137 - Medicare Disbursements by Type of Beneficiary [Excel 30k] | [PDF 477k]

138 - Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)--Enrollment and Expenditures by State [Excel 39k] | [PDF 477k]

139 - Medicare Enrollees [Excel 43k] | [PDF 460k]

140 - Medicare--Enrollment by State and Other Areas [Excel 42k] | [PDF 460k]

141 - Medicaid--Selected Characteristics Of Persons Covered: 2007 [Excel 34k] | [PDF 460k]

142 - Medicare Benefits by Type of Provider [Excel 31k] | [PDF 439k]

143 - Medicare Trust Funds [Excel 46k] | [PDF 448k]

144 - Medicaid--Beneficiaries and Payments [Excel 33k] | [PDF 449k]

145 - Medicaid--Summary by State [Excel 50k] | [PDF 449k]

146 - Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment By State And Other Areas [Excel 38k] | [PDF 461k]

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  The 2010 Statistical Abstract  |  Page Last Modified: October 27, 2010