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Volunteer coordination and outreach tools

Do you have the opportunity to work with large numbers of volunteers? We can help! Are you faced with explaining to your community just how killing non-native invasive species can enhance biodiversity? Yes, we can help there too!

Global Invasive Species Team brochure: "Preventing and containing the global spread of invaders" 
The Global Invasive Species Team has produced, along with the help of other fine TNC staff, a great brochure about invasive species work TNC is doing. See the pdf versions below. While quantities last, TNC can request copies of the English-language brochure from Barry Rice (brice(at) That's what they're there for!
English version: (pdf, Feb-2008)
Portuguese version: (pdf, June-2008)

Developing your own Weed Management Area 
Do you want to battle invasives on multiple fronts, using partners from your geographic area? It might be that you need to create a "Weed Management Area" (WMA). The following documents describe how a the Long Island (NY) staff of The Nature Conservancy established a WMA. For more information, contact Marilyn Jordan (mjordan (at) or Bill Jacobs (bjacobs (at)
WMA definition, and action steps to create one: (pdf, Jul-2004)
Details of a WMA, guiding principles, strategies, etc.: (pdf, Jul-2004)
WMA project summary: (pdf, Jul-2004)
Outreach: fact sheet for gardeners and homeowners: (pdf, Jul-2004)
Outreach: fact sheet for outdoor recreationists: (pdf, Jul-2004)
Outreach: voluntary codes for nursery and landscape professionals: (pdf, Jul-2004)
Outreach: best management practices for land managers: (pdf, Jul-2004)
Outreach: fact sheet for public officials: (pdf, Jul-2004)

Forest pests publicity 
Part of a public awareness and action campaign to alert homeowners about the risk posed by insects that can damage trees, even trees in urban settings, TNC created this advertisement featuring the Asian longhorned beetle and emerald ash borer. Enjoy the ad, and also learn more about what you can do to make a difference in the fight against invasive species that can damage our trees:
A face only a mother could love: (pdf, Jun-2008)

GardenSmart Oregon--a guide to non-invasive plants 
As part of the "Stop the Invasion" public awareness and action campaign to counter the environmental and economic threat of invasives in Oregon, a coalition of organizations developed this booklet called "GardenSmart Oregon: A Guide to Non-Invasive Plants." This 54-page booklet identifies more than 25 invasive plants that can escape gardens and threaten natural areas. Illustrated with dozens of photos, it offers tips to help gardeners select non-invasive replacement plants appropriate to different regions of Oregon. Alternatives include both native and ornamental plants commonly available in the nursery trade.
GardenSmart Booklet: (pdf, Jan-2009)

Invasive Species in Georgia  
Another fine pamphlet, this time from Georgia.
Pamphlet: (pdf, Mar-2004)

It's Japanese Knotweed 
Japanese knotweed---a nifty brochure from Vermont.
Pamphlet: (pdf, Feb-2009)

KNOTWEED!, Gill Man, Rush Skeletonweed films 
knotweed video
gill man video
Suzanne Blais (Black Dog Productions, suzanne(at) is the twisted genius who crafted KNOTWEED! Originally created for the public outreach efforts by the Whatcom County Noxious Weed Board and the City of Bellingham, Washington, this amazing 30 second video turned out to be so good that it is being shown in theatres before the main features! (For more of the details on Whatcom county's work, contact Laurel Shiner, lshiner (at), or view their web site.)

While the last frame of KNOTWEED! is customized for the Whatcom County efforts, the last frame can be changed to your own contact information if you have your own knotweed (Polygonum spp.) battles. Best of all, the very last frame can be personalized with your own contact information for a mere $125! For that you will get the video in one of a number of formats (such as a quicktime file, dvd, mini-dv tape) that would be the highest quality and fully broadcast/cable ready for broadcasting stations or theatres. You would also get a review copy.

Whatcom County Weed Board and Black Dog Productions followed up the success of KNOTWEED! with another public service announcement called "Gill Man." I am personally quite happy to see that the lead female protagonist survived her encounter with botanical horror in KNOTWEED!, but pity her luck to see her menaced now by aquatic invasives. Another two thumbs up to the production folks in Washington!

And most recently, knowing that true Hollywood masterpieces come in trilogies (such as Lord of the Rings and Evil Dead), Black Dog has returned to their roots and made another film on the weed menace Chondrilla juncea (rush skeletonweed). Our famous screamer returns to the screen for one last time. We can only lament that she has retired from Black Dog Productions, but hope that more films are on the way. Can a scratch-n-sniff movie on garlic mustard be far behind?

(Suzanne wanted me to point out that these projects were made possible by the entire ensemble staff at Black Dog Productions--the list of people she wanted to have recognized read like an Oscar acceptance speech. Forgive my deletion of her long list.)
(To view these mp4 files, you may need a version of Quicktime that is vintage version 6 or later.)
KNOTWEED! (mp4, Feb-2004)
Gill Man: (mp4, Feb-2005)
Rush Skeletonweed: (mp4, Sep-2006)

Knotweed pamphlet 
Another excellent knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) brochure, this one developed by TNC staff in the Pacific Northwest. Contact Lisa Jeidy (ljeidy (at), Oregon) if you have questions about this production.
Pamphlet: (pdf, Jan-2009)

Lygodium strategy 
Produced by The Nature Conservancy in Central Florida, this describes a coalition strategy to battle Lygodium. Contact Doria Gordon (dgordon (at), Florida) if you have questions.
Pamphlet: (pdf, Feb-2009)

Spread the Word, not the Weed Pamphlet 
Staff in Pennsylvania and New York have developed a great brochure on knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) that you can revise and reprint. If you use this pamphlet (below), keep a copy of the disclosure letter and also complete the tracking request form. Contact Jen Grieser (JGrieser (at), NYC DEP Stream Mgmt) for original artwork or printer mock-ups.
Spread the Word: (pdf, Mar-2006)

Stopping the Spread pamphlet 
The Florida chapter of The Nature Conservancy produced this interesting twelve page brochure on invasive species threats in Florida. While it is specific to Florida, other operating units might do well to borrow from its ideas and approach.
Stop the Spread: (pdf, Jul-2003)

Terrestrial Invasive Plants of the Potomac River Watershed pamphlet 
The Maryland/DC chapter of The Nature Conservancy and partners produced this great document talking about the invasives of their area; what is even better, they included recommended landscaping alternatives! It even includes a wallet-sized guide for folks to carry with themselves to nurseries!
Potomac River Watershed pamphlet: (pdf, Aug-2008)

Weeds in the Wild pamphlet 
Long ago, we wrote a two-page pamphlet users could print and distribute to site visitors, partners, and neighboring land-owners. The pamphlet discusses the general issues of wildland invaders. It was designed to be printed on standard black & white or color printers, then photocopied back-to-back and folded into thirds. It is now quite ancient, but still is a useful file that others may wish to copy from.
Pamphlet: (doc, Sep-2001)
Pamphlet: (pdf, Sep-2001)

Weeds You Should Get to Know deck 
TNC-Florida has just produced with some notable partners, a great little pocket-sized weed deck (3.5"×5" laminated cards that can be fanned-out). Designed specifically for land managers (ranchers, road and waterway managers, natural area stewards, etc.) this waterproof and durable weed deck includes identifying characters for 5 weeds, great photos, and control information!
Weed deck: (pdf, Jul-2005)

Weed Watchers & Weed Busters Program
Are you interested in developing your own cadre of volunteers to act as your early weed detection and rapid response teams? Read about how TNC's Maryland/D.C. Chapter produced their program. Use the tools to create your own volunteer network to achieve success across entire landscapes!

Weed Watchers-Weed Busters development history: (pdf, Jul-2002)
Appendix 1: Developing a "weed hit list": (pdf, Jul-2002)
Appendix 2: Weed Watcher manual (table of contents): (pdf, Jul-2002)
Appendix 3: Weed Watcher sample training questions: (pdf, Jul-2002)
Appendix 4: Tracking efforts, to help strategize: (pdf, Jul-2002)
Slide show on the program: (html | ppt, Jul-2002)
Yet more information (html, Jul-2002)

Voluntary Codes of Conduct in horticulture
All about the set of practices being adopted that will help stop invasions from horticulture.
Weed Information Management System (WIMS)
A fully-integrated hardware and software application for mapping invasives and tracking management actions.
Remote sensing
A review of remote sensing technology, as applied to invasive species detection and mapping.
Templates and examples
Adaptive management planning tools such as model plans for sites, weed control templates, etc. Very useful!
Invasive species learning networks
Learn about Invasive Species Networks that help promote best practices for invasive species abatement among staff in The Nature Conservancy, partner agencies, and other organizations.

Other site resources

Conservation stories
Invasive species management is not impossible. Read these success stories and be inspired.
Assessments and regional plans
Assessments of invasive species issues for various operating units in The Nature Conservancy.
Weed Control Methods Handbook
An electronic handbook provides detailed information on the use of manual and mechanical techniques, grazing, prescribed fire, biocontrol, and herbicides, to help you control undesirable invasive plants.
Join our listserve to voice your frustrations and trumpet your successes.

Updated February 2009
©The Nature Conservancy, 2005