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Yosemite National Park
Research and Studies

Science Series on the Merced River: To inform the Merced River Plan, Yosemite hosted a series of public workshops in spring 2011. View online webinar recordings.


A plethora of ongoing scientific research abounds at Yosemite National Park, from declining animal species studies to invasive plant removal strategies to human carrying capacity issues.

Yosemite has expanded its resources management and science staff to more than 100 people. The park serves as a public meeting place for scientific symposiums--topics include fire science, hydroclimatology, archeology, and bird surveys--with scientific papers presented at the monthly Yosemite Forum and in-depth research in the Yosemite Science publication, launched winter 2011. The park also processes hundreds of research permits every year for its staff and outside interests. The park is proud to sponsor the first park-based social science branch, which serves as a model for ground-breaking work in visitor use and user capacity issues.

The park focuses its resources management and science functions within the Division of Resources Management and Science, which has an organizational structure that combines on-the-ground resource managers with scientists to create an environment where science is used directly in decision-making, thereby addressing the concerns of various groups that have criticized the National Park Service at times for arbitrary management decisions. The financial structure of the division builds on partnership funding and cooperative research. This structure allows park scientists to fund projects of interest rather than research being dictated by available funding.

Joe Meyer oversees the Resources Management and Science division at Yosemite National Park. If you have questions, please contact him at 209/379-1060 or e-mail one of the six branch chiefs:

Learn more about Yosemite’s research through the following:

Fact Sheets: These topics-at-a-glance are typically created for a project, ongoing issue, or planning effort near its inception. A fact sheet is a one- or two-page document that provides an introduction, background, purpose and need, estimated schedule, and other associated details pertaining to the subject matter.

Ongoing Scientific Research: Research projects include the User Capacity Management Monitoring Program, the Half Dome Cables Trail Study, and the High-Elevation Aquatic Resources Management Plan. Find topics sprinkled throughout the Yosemite web site.

GIS in the Park: Geography is both a natural and a cultural science. View national GIS data sets, including from Yosemite National Park, on an NPS Data and Information online clearinghouse. See nationwide GIS Data, and view Yosemite's GIS data sets, covering topics from geology to fire to soils, or California-specific GIS data.

Planning Documents: Yosemite’s staff researches and presents many of its projects for public review. Read through suggested documents as a great way to start getting involved in park projects, such as the Merced River Plan and the Tuolumne River Plan. Understand what is going on and the next steps for your involvement.

Visitor Use: Social scientists study how humans interact with the landscape. View comprehensive reports on summer and winter visitor use. Or, get quick answers to some of the most common questions regarding park statistics. How many visitors come to Yosemite each year? How many miles of trails exist in the park? What is the park's budget? Also, check out our natural resource statistics, including the name of the park's tallest peak and just how tall Yosemite Falls is.

Permit for Scientific Research: Yosemite’s pristine environment provides a scientific laboratory for many critical issues studied by top scientists around the world. Learn what you need to do to propose a research study in the park and obtain a permit.

View the park's History & Culture section to learn about people, places, stories, collections, and preservation.

Cover of science publication

New Yosemite Science Publication: Read an online resources management publication that presents recent and ongoing research by the Resources Management & Science division. In the Winter 2011 issue, articles include the recovery of the peregrine falcon and the discovery of the Yosemite bog-orchid.

Cover of Yosemite Science publication
Science Publication
Yosemite presents online resources management journal
Half Dome with a cloud
Current Conditions
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Yosemite Nature Notes
Yosemite Nature Notes
Video podcast that tells unique stories about the natural and human history of Yosemite
Arrowhead made of obsidian
Preserving the Past
Archeologists study objects like arrowheads that have been left behind

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American black bear

Did You Know?
Black bears in Yosemite are active both day and night. Most bears that rely on natural food sources are active during the day. However, those that get food from people are often active at night, when they can quietly sneak around and grab unattended food.

Last Updated: June 05, 2011 at 20:40 MST