@markmilian HP TouchPad isn't bad, but it's obvious the outstanding designers have left the webOS team. Also, it's heavy and resembles an iPhone 3G.

6 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone | RETWEET

@LaurieSegallCNN Beautiful evening in NYC. Loving my new neighborhood

10 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone | RETWEET

@CNNMoneyTech Tomorrow is Apple's App Store D-day -- will it boot the Kindle app? http://bit.ly/k1n9fB

12 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@CNNMoneyTech Tell us what you think -- should Google's gay pride doodle be hidden? http://bit.ly/ikFiij

15 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@CNNMoneyTech The MySpace hot potato has been tossed: News Corp sold it to Specific Media, shockingly cheap http://bit.ly/m4FuUg

15 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@LaurieSegallCNN News Corp. sells Myspace to Specific Media http://t.co/genp7en via @CNNMoney

15 hours ago via Tweet Button | RETWEET

@LaurieSegallCNN Nice article by @nickbilton - More Secrecy in Silicon Valley - http://nyti.ms/mJwOey

16 hours ago via TimesPeople | RETWEET

@cnntech Happy fourth birthday to the iPhone. Fun facts from @jdsutter here: http://t.co/udOGQQ8 (thanks to our followers for the help!!)

17 hours ago via Twitter for Mac | RETWEET

@LaurieSegallCNN Square raises $100 million for mobile payment service http://t.co/YglHJxZ via @CNNMoney

18 hours ago via Tweet Button | RETWEET

@CNNMoneyTech Apple issues a Final Cut Pro X mea culpa -- sort of http://bit.ly/mEQBIr via @FortuneMagazine

19 hours ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET


Video games and kids: How young is too young?

I was visiting my nephews, again. Within seconds of seeing me fiddle with my iPhone, my older nephew, Jack, who is 8, asked me, again, if my iPhone had any videogames on it. FULL STORY

By Ethan Gilsdorf, WIRED

Filed under: Gaming & Gadgets

News Corp. sells Myspace to Specific Media CNNMoney.com

Myspace has a new owner: Digital ad network Specific Media said Wednesday that it has acquired the ailing social network from News Corp. FULL STORY

By Laurie Segall

Filed under: Tech Biz

Man suing Facebook loses his lawyers CNNMoney.com

Paul Ceglia's attention-grabbing lawsuit claiming a 50% ownership stake in Facebook is starting to implode -- and on Tuesday, Ceglia's legal team quit. FULL STORY

By Julianne Pepitone

Filed under: Tech Biz

Tech supply chain to 'fully recover' from Japan disaster by fall CNNMoney.com

The violent earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan earlier this year severely rattled the technology industry's supply chain and pushed back the launch dates of several new devices. But an end is in sight: A new report predicts that the in… FULL STORY

By David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

Square raises $100 million for mobile payment service CNNMoney.com

Payment startup Square just landed a massive cash infusion: The company raised $100 million in a financing round led by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. FULL STORY

By Laurie Segall

Filed under: Tech Biz

Photographer captures Kennedy Space Center in waning moments of shuttle program

Vincent Fournier's photography captures a longing for the space age that lives somewhere between the recently made-possible and the science fiction of the 70s and 80s. Inspired by trips to the Paris museum of science, Vincent has been fascinated by the machine world since his youth and incorporates it into most of his… FULL STORY

By David Feinberg, VBS.TV

Filed under: Innovation

Four years later, has iPhone changed that much?

The iPhone turns 4 years old Wednesday. FULL STORY

John D. Sutter
By John D. Sutter, CNN

Filed under: Innovation

Twitter co-founders to launch new startup CNNMoney.com

Three of Twitter's key developers-- Biz Stone, Evan Williams and Jason Goldman -- are launching a new venture. FULL STORY

By Laurie Segall

Filed under: Tech Biz

Tech blogs not sold on Google's 'Facebook clone'

There's an old joke in the tech world: FULL STORY

John D. Sutter
By John D. Sutter, CNN

Filed under: Social Media

Google launches Google+, a quasi-Facebook competitor CNNMoney.com

Google on Tuesday unveiled Google+, yet another attempt by the search giant to overcome its past miscues in the social networking space. FULL STORY

By David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

Can one idea be energy's holy grail?

Michel Laberge quit his job to invent a "glorified jackhammer" that he hoped would save the planet. That was 10 years ago. FULL STORY

By Thom Patterson, CNN

Filed under: Innovation

How to hide your online footprint

CNN's Michael Holmes looks at the digital footprint we leave behind and ways to hide our online lives. FULL VIDEO

Source: CNN

Filed under: Web

The best smartphone stock? Not Apple CNNMoney.com

If you are looking to invest in a smartphone maker, your choices at first seem limited to Apple and a bevy of also-rans that are taking turns auditioning for the dubious distinction of becoming the next Palm. FULL STORY

By Paul R. La Monica

Filed under: Tech Biz

More Americans buying e-readers than tablets, study says

Ads touting Apple's iPad seem to be everywhere, but e-readers such as Amazon.com's Kindle and Barnes & Noble's Nook are actually more popular with consumers, according to a new report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project. FULL STORY

By Amy Gahran, Special to CNN

Filed under: Gaming & Gadgets

Google faces new $423 million antitrust suit CNNMoney.com

In the latest of a recent slew of antitrust complaints filed against Google, French search company 1plusV said Tuesday it would seek $423 million in damages from the American search giant. FULL STORY

By David Goldman

Filed under: Tech Biz

Digital Biz: Watch this space

Eye-control is going to give technology a new look. FULL STORY

Digital Biz: Do looks count?

How do computer companies make their products stand out from the crowd? FULL STORY

Earth's Frontiers: Nuclear risk

Is nuclear energy worth the risk? Have your say in the CNN debate. FULL STORY


The Wild Web

What the Internet's new domain endings meanWhat the Internet's new domain endings mean
On Monday, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) voted to allow a new array of Internet domain endings. So, look out, .com. Here comes .coke. FULL STORY

The Wild Web comes out every Monday

Gadgets & Gaming

Top 5 video games from E3Top 5 video games from E3
Sound and fury are the hallmarks of the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo, the biggest video gaming event of the year. FULL STORY

Gadgets & Gaming comes out every Tuesday

Mobile Watch

Nielsen: Androids are the big data hogsNielsen: Androids are the big data hogs
The days of unlimited mobile data plans are waning, as Verizon follows AT&T in reportedly moving toward tiered plans that charge users based on how much data they use. FULL STORY

Mobile Watch comes out every Wednesday

Social Circles

Twitter is the new FacebookTwitter is the new Facebook
You can throw Twitter's attempts to differentiate itself as an "information network" out the window -- there is little doubt the company is now entrenched in serious competition with Facebook for the much grander social networking crown. FULL STORY

Social Circles comes out every Thursday

CNN Tech Lab

Turntable.fm: The cool kids' Pandora?Turntable.fm: The cool kids' Pandora?
Everyone knows Pandora -- that popular music-streaming site where robots pick songs for you based on equations. Turntable.fm, which is getting lots of buzz online, is pretty much the opposite of that site. FULL STORY

CNN Tech Lab comes out every Friday

Apps for socially awkward people

Apps for socially awkward peopleIt's a verifiable fact that the Internet is basically for three things: porn, cats and awkward people (and any ensuing combination of the three). Here are some tools to help you socialize more smoothly. FULL STORY

The New York Times | JUNE 27, 2011

Companies creating in-house social networks

What would Facebook look like without photos of drunken nights out and tales of misbehaving cats? It might look a lot like the internal social network at the offices of Nikon Instruments. FULL STORY

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