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  • Oregon: A Geologic History wall poster Oregon: A Geologic History
    Oregon - 150 million years in the making! Learn more with "Oregon: A Geologic History" This wall poster and web site were created for anyone who is curious about Oregon's remarkable geology.
  • Emergency Kit Emergency Preparedness
    Are you ready? Earthquakes, floods, wildfires, even tsunamis can cause widespread destruction here. If a natural disaster struck in Oregon, would your family be prepared?
  • Tsunami Hazard Zone sign Tsunami Evacuation
    Do you know your tsunami evacuation route? Learn what coastal residents and visitors should do in the event of an earthquake and possible tsunami.
  • Landslide mapping helps communities Landslide Awareness
    Landslides and debris flows affect thousands of Oregonians every year. Protect yourself and your property by knowing landslide types, their triggers and warning signs, and how to react when one happens.
  • Digital geologic map of the southern Willamette Valley Grande Ronde Valley
    This new geologic map of the upper Grande Ronde River basin increases our understanding of geologic conditions controlling ground water, other natural resources, and hazards. Get the plotted map or report, plate, and data on CD-ROM!
  • Lidar maps helping communities Lidar-Based Mapping
    What is lidar? Lidar (light detection and ranging) provides very precise, high-resolution images of the surface of the earth, vegetation, and the built environment. DOGAMI mapping is based on lidar.
  • Report Seismic Safety
    DOGAMI, in consultation with project partners, developed a statewide seismic needs assessment that includes seismic safety surveys of schools, hospitals, and law enforcement buildings.
  • Reclamation Mined Land Reclamation
    DOGAMI's Mineral Land Regulation & Reclamation program works with industry and the public to minimize impacts of surface mining, oil and gas, and geothermal mining.
  • calendar Learn More
    Use this handy calendar to see when and where DOGAMI outreach events are happening.
Geology Spotlight
DOGAMI Lidar Data Viewer Revamped!
6-6-2011 - This interactive map allows you to view lidar data shaded-relief imagery for Oregon at zoom scales to 1:4.514. The revamped map uses Esri ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS Viewer for Flex version 2.2.

Use the "Lidar Quad Search/Purchase" tool on the map to locate and order Lidar Data Quadrangle (LDQ) publications.* Locate LDQs by

- Ohio Grid Code,
- USGS topographic quadrangle name, or
- county name

*Lidar Data Quadrangles (LDQs) can be purchased through Nature of the Northwest Information Center. The map link will take you directly there.
Landslide inventory maps for Portland and Lake Oswego quadrangles available
close up of an inventory map landslide
DOGAMI has released landslide inventory maps of the Lake Oswego (IMS-32) and Portland (IMS-33) quadrangles. These 1:8,000-scale quarter-quadrangle map plates show historic and pre-historic landslides in the Lake Oswego and Portland quadrangles, which include portions of Lake Oswego, Portland, and surrounding areas of Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties. These maps are intended to provide users with hazard information regarding landslides within the mapped areas.

Both publications include a geodatabase containing landslide deposits, head scarps and flanks, and scarps for all four quarter quadrangles, as well as Special Paper 42, Protocol for Inventory Mapping of Landslide Deposits from Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) Imagery, by William J. Burns and Ian P. Madin.
Lidar Landscapes 2011 Calendar, Posters, and Postcards
back page of calendar showing all 12 images
This 2011 Lidar Landscapes calendar showcases lidar-derived imagery from around Oregon. The 18- x 24-inch wall posters show the kind of detail possible from lidar technology. Sixteen postcards shows coastal, community, river, and volcanic features from around the state.
Coos County Flood Hazard Maps
Statewide Seismic Needs Assessment
Final results of the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries' work on the statewide seismic needs assessment of Oregon education and emergency services buildings, as directed by the 73rd Legislative Assembly (Senate Bill 2, 2005).
Latest News
In brief....
Next DOGAMI Governing Board Meeting
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Albany OR
- details to be announced
Tualatin Valley lidar map released
O-11-06, Tualatin Valley
4-29-11 - DOGAMI Open-File Report O-11-06, Stream Channels of the Tualatin Valley and Lower Willamette River, Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington, and Yamhill Counties, Oregon, depicts streams of the Tualatin Valley and the Lower Willamette River watershed in northwestern Oregon. To emphasize stream morphology in the Tualatin Valley, a gradient fading from cool blues and greens to warm tans and oranges was applied to the map to represent the relative elevation of land in feet above adjacent water surfaces. Dark blue areas of the map indicate elevations at or near water surface elevation and thus include both water and land areas. The color gradient was applied to digital elevation models (DEMs) that were created using 3-foot resolution bare-earth lidar data.
Mineral Information Layer for Oregon, Release 2 (MILO-2) available
small image of MILO point locations in Oregon
MILO-2 is a geospatial database that stores and manages information regarding Oregon's mineral occurrences, prospects, and mines. A subset of the data is shown on the interactive map; order the full data set from nature of the Northwest.
American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA): "The Oregon Way"
recovery.gov logo